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I’m getting sick of this propaganda amplified on the left. Imagining a dictator committing genocide & war crimes will happily cooperate if just allowed to keep some of the invaded territory, is nonsense. Peak Neville Chamberlain, only worse. We’ve seen how this plays out #Ukraine
It is also utter nonsense that Putin launched his genocidal war because “NATO”. This is a version of the excuses made for rapists. Coming up with all manner of ways to muddy who is to blame. Russia is responsible for its murderous acts, not counties looking to protect themselves.
As many have pointed out, it’s the bargain of the century to help #Ukraine defeat a mafia state committing war crimes. We spent WAY more💰& lost Canadian lives in Afghanistan without justification. Putin being appeased rather than stopped, means emboldening murderous dictators.
Read 5 tweets
“Rebel News” is funded by #DarkMoney, in spite of always crying poor. A key source of this dark money? Well, ask yourselves: why is Rebel a constant source of Kremlin propaganda? Not just recently. Remember this from 2018?… #Cdnmedia #CdnDisinfo #cdnpoli
Fast forward to before & since, #RussianInvasionOfUkraine. So-called “Rebel” so-called “News” has become a constant vector of 🇷🇺disinfo & propaganda. Including the role both played in #FluTruxKlan op. #cdnpoli
Since Russia’s attack on #Ukraine️, “Rebel News” has at times been brazen in amplifying Kremlin propaganda. #cdnmedia #cdnpoli #PutinWarCriminal
Read 9 tweets
In today's episode of moral rot in Russia I will direct my readers to this thread. (Note: I was wrong on his POW status).
Some things that stand out we will start with the bad and move to the good. 1. Although convicted of murder and initially sentenced to the Gulag (special regime) in the Urals he was able to make it to a better prison where he could have a phone, internet and get married. Good
for him, bad for the system as it implies bribes. You don't give a violent felon with an escape history cushy gigs for free anywhere, let alone in a mafia state that runs on corruption. 2. He was recruited into a penal battalion where discipline was "severe", shoot you in the
Read 21 tweets
So yesterday I talked about whataboutisms and the moral authority we enjoy by being able to look at our own past honestly. This is important as today's essay will highlight. First @WarMonitor3 is reporting that Russia has moved an additional 800 pieces of military equipment into
Kherson. If true this squares with my earlier read of history that predicted that Putin will become geographically target locked on the city instead of remaining mentally flexible.
He is (likely) fixated on a city because he cannot look at his own past honestly. He sees past success as due to his brilliance rather than (mostly) the result of actions/inactions by other parties and this read is reinforced by the army of yes men he has surrounded himself with.
Read 20 tweets
1/ Operational & global situation update regarding the #russian_invasion on July 31, 2022.
Last Gen staff report & other reports show no major changes. All Ru attacks were pushed back.
So now it's time to make a global recap as i do every w-e / month... (last was 2 months ago) Image
2/ Hello there! Pour finir le Mois de Juillet :
Map Update #UkraineMap #ukrainemap #Ukraine
Several maps here to recap the situation in the #UkraineInvasion #UkraineRussiaWar at the end of July 2022 with real topo map/Ukrainian map.
Thanks for sharing my work for others... Image
3/ Topo map / front lines #UkraineWar #Україна #Ukraine #UkraineMap
this is 31 of July and i kept some of the ref of previous couple of month for u to appreciate that Ru is going nowhere really. purple line to compare.
Hello à mes lecteurs Fra (il y a 2 mois c'était l'inverse) Image
Read 20 tweets
When I saw scores of domestic & foreign adversary (including Kremlin linked) troll network accounts pushing #DutchFarmer op, I wondered, like the way #FluTruxKlan used 🇨🇦 as an op launching pad, if Netherlands were being used as a similar launching pad. Now enter this…#CdnNatSec
🧵 from February on this subject. #FluTruxKlan is & has always been an op. It was a destabilization operation that just *happened* to coincide with the lead up to #UkraineInvasion. Not a coincidence. There is a global autocracy project to topple democracy. #cdnNatSec #cdnpoli
Read 4 tweets
Żeby nie było nieporozumień: Ukraiński Krab został stracony na skutek "backfire" czyli albo przedwczesnego zapłonu umieszczanego w lufie ładunku miotającego albo zassania do przedziału załogi niedopalonego ładunku miotającego. 1/n
2/n przyczyną było rażące przekroczenie przez załogę szybkostrzelności oraz trzymanie ładunków modularnych nie w pojemnikach. Nie wiadomo czy Deugra nie była wyłączona - to niestety częsta praktyka Ukraińców :/
3/n Backfire zapalił jeden z ładunków. Myślę że jednak w tym wozie Deugra była aktywna skoro załoga zdołała uciec i wynieść ciężko poparzonego ładowniczego. Tj Deugra chyba stłumiła na chwilę ogień.
Read 5 tweets
-Sky Giants- 🧵

The Bayraktar TB-2

The TB-2 is a medium altitude long endurance unmanned combataerial vehicle (MALE UCAV), made in Turkey by Bayrack. (1/5)
#svagaiature #aviationlovers #UkraineInvasion #tech #Turkey #aviationdaily #AutonomousVehicles
The project began when the USA put an embargo on Turkey for UAV, due the fear of them being used to taget PKK groups inside and outside of the nation. Bayrack started developing a drone on the request of turkish government, and in 2014 the TB-12 made its maiden flight. (2/5)
A year later the weapon system had been already tested.
Many problems, regarding its components arose with time: the engine used, made in Austria, was only certified for civilian use; while parts of its imaging system and bomb rack was suspended... (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
1/ Hello there! Pour finir le Mois de Mai :
Map Update #UkraineMap #ukrainemap #Ukraine
Several maps here to recap the situation in the #UkraineInvasion #UkraineRussiaWar at the end of May 2022
first of all & even if i've never asked for anything : please just share for others.
2/ Topo map / front lines #UkraineWar #Україна #Ukraine
this is 26th Mai but still correct for general aspect and limits (see much more detailed areas in foowing maps)
je mets tout en anglais pour que tt le monde puisse lire mais je pense que mes lecteurs Fra sont Ok avec ça..
3/ les 5 zones que j'ai défini pour montrer les détails. Here the 5 different areas i'm showing in the following tweets.
Zone #UkraineWar #Україна #UkraineMap
Read 67 tweets

🇷🇺 The T-62 🧵

The T-62 is a Soviet main battle tank that was first introduced in 1961. As a further development of the T-55 series #svagaiature #Tank #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #t62 #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineInvasion #tech #History #Thread #TankMuseum (1/13) Image
By the late 1950s, Soviet commanders realised that the T-55's 100 mm gun was incapable of penetrating the frontal armour of newer Western tanks, such as the Centurion and M48 Patton, with standard armour-piercing shells (2/13) Image
It was decided to up-gun the T-55 with a 115 mm smoothbore cannon, capable of firing APFSDS rounds. Experimental trials showed that the T-55 was inherently unsuited to mount the larger new cannon, and work therefore began on a new tank. (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
We are LIVE tweeting the Raisina AMA with @DrSJaishankar and @samirsaran

Stay tuned for updates!

Watch it LIVE here:

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue @MEAIndia
.@DrSJaishankar: Three things keep me up at night — the shocks that the international order is experiencing, particularly in the past two years—the #COVID19 pandemic, #Afghanistan & #Ukraine, & the friction between the #West & #Russia, the #USA and #China

#Raisina2022 @MEAIndia
.@DrSJaishankar: You need to develop an operational matrix to respond to a changing world. In our case, especially since 2014-15, we have had greater clarity on how we engage the world—concentric circles, neighbourhood first, but also a conscious policy engaging the major powers.
Read 20 tweets

"WarGonzo follows #Russian forces across the wall into #Azovstal outer perimeter building"

47.1271092, 37.6390431

GeoLocated by @RedIntelPanda

Related with:

"#Russian troops storming areas next to #Azovstal in #Mariupol #Ukraine. Heavy fighting is ongoing"
(20 APR)

Read 4 tweets

"Footage of the severely damaged Azovstal, #Mariupol, administration building burning"

47.107617, 37.615080

GeoLocation by @zcjbrooker

Same location as:

"#Azovstal management building after fights in #Mariupol." (09 APR)

Same location as:

"Ramzan Kadyrov posts video of Chechens in #Mariupol, declaring victory"

Read 5 tweets

"UAV footage of the Azovstal plant in #Mariupol"

0:00-0:18 47.09863, 37.57047
0:19-0:43 47.09350, 37.55258

Strikes: 47.101449, 37.601204

GeoLocated by @JoshuaKoontz__ and @zcjbrooker

Read 4 tweets
1/2Slovakia has requested @NATO to bring solution for air patrolling to replace MiG-29 until new F-16 are delivered. This could potentially led to delivery Slovak MiGs to Ukraine although this according to @JaroNad is not on table. Story from @dennikN
2/2Slovak sky could be patrolled from #Czechia #Poland and/or #Hungary.
Slovakia have 11 MiGs, from which at least 3 are in working condition.
Source story from @dennikN…
Read 3 tweets
An easy place to start cataloguing the cost of a war is in military hardware. We will take a sample from the hard work of @oryxspioenkop each day to begin to show some of the overheads of warfare.

#UkraineRussiaWar #TankOfTheDay Image
@oryxspioenkop #TankOfTheDay 1. The T-64 tank was famously expensive in its day, costing 143,000 Rubles in 1973 (approx $408k today). This T-64BV was destroyed on 03/16/2022.

💸 Total: $408k

Credit: @oryxspioenkop

#RussiaUkraineWar Image
@oryxspioenkop #TankOfTheDay 2. The T-72B is estimated to cost in the region of $2m based on historic Russian exports. Here we have one that was destroyed on 02/26/2022.

💸 Total: $2,408k

Credit: @oryxspioenkop

#RussiaUkraineWar Image
Read 114 tweets

"The occupiers are transferring troops and equipment from Mariupol to other areas, about which they "victoriously" yell in stories"

47.12996, 37.67811

GeoLocated by @rollowastaken and @kargolow

Location: Image
Read 4 tweets
1/ Ukrainian Theater of War, Day 52-54: The past 72 hrs. have seen Russian forces reduce Ukrainian defenses in Mariupol to the Azovstal area. Ukrainian forces around Kharkiv launch several successful counterattacks while Russia builds forces near Izium. #Ukraine #UkraineInvasion
2/ Humanitarian Impact. Ukrainian refugees top 6.67 million, with over 6.6 million IDPs throughout Ukraine. 27 European countries are hosting Ukrainian Refugees, with many eastern European nations taking the weight of this humanitarian crisis.
3/ Weather Impact. The 10-day forecast for most of the Donbas-Kherson TVD will comprise of increased cloud cover & rainstorms, wind speed will generally average at 8 mph. Air & artillery strikes will remain degraded, while heavy rain continues to restrict ground movement.
Read 13 tweets
1/ Ukrainian Theater of War, Day 52-54: The past 172 hrs. have seen Russian forces reduce Ukrainian defenses in Mariupol to the Azovstal area. Ukrainian forces around Kharkiv launch several successful counterattacks while Russia builds forces near Izium. #Ukraine #UkraineInvasion
2/ Humanitarian Impact. Ukrainian refugees top 6.67 million, with over 6.6 million IDPs throughout Ukraine. 27 European countries are hosting Ukrainian Refugees, with many eastern European nations taking the weight of this humanitarian crisis.
3/ Weather Impact. The 10-day forecast for most of the Donbas-Kherson TVD will comprise of increased cloud cover & rainstorms, wind speed will generally average at 8 mph. Air & artillery strikes will remain degraded, while heavy rain continues to restrict ground movement.
Read 13 tweets

"Bridge in #Chernihiv, build up after 31 MAR, taken down before 12 APR"

51.456940, 31.299869

GeoLocated by @gfusfus

Same location:

"Russian forces have apparently destroyed a bridge linking Chernihiv with road to #Kyiv."
(23 MAR)

Same location:

"Satellite imagery from March 23 shows the only route out of the besieged city of Chernihiv, the bridge across the Desna river has been destroyed."

Read 5 tweets

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