Michael Duitsman Profile picture
Research Associate @CNS_Updates. Rocket propulsion and radiological security (usually not at the same time). Opinions my own. Faves/RTs ≠ endorsements

Feb 25, 2022, 30 tweets

The Russian encampment is at 46.7627° N, 33.3847° E. The column of vehicles was headed southeast (away from the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam) on the R-47.

#OSINTatMIIS #Ukraine

Another vehicle, this time alone. Moving rather fast (for a truck) with its emergency flashers on.

They've started turning back some - but not all - vehicles. Also, there is something very much on fire in the far distance on the left.

Russian military vehicles headed towards the dam.

And more headed away from it.

Another lone vehicle. Also ma'dudes standing there, watching.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Nova Kakhovka... ummm, Airborne troops. Lots of them, apparently.

(from this link in @pmakela1's thread)

Some sort of BMD-base vehicle (possibly a command vehicle?), Nona 120mm mortars, and a BTR-80UNSh variant.

Airborne unit is heading towards the dam. They've stopped at the checkpoint, possibly to allow the column to catch up.

A couple BTRs cutting in line, and the BMDs are starting to rev their engines, probably getting ready to move. Also, a new fire in the far distance.

The airborne unit is moving forward towards the dam.

On the one hand, the BMD has tin foil armor - front protection against 30mm cannon, but the sides only protect against 12.7mm (50 cal) machine guns.

On the other hand, these are some of Russia's better troops, and this is at least an entire regiment.

Still moving through the checkpoint. I think someone said it took 40 minutes to move past the other camera.

Also, the distant fire appears to be extinguished.

Aaaaand traffic jam.

New unit making its way toward the dam.

Some interesting loads on/behind these trucks. Also, traffic jam again.

Not sure what the first two are, but the last one is a Pantsir short-range air defense system.

Adding more vehicles and men will definitely help fix the traffic problem here.

Ugh. I'm being way too flippant about this. In the back of my head, I know these are people's sons, that they're in Ukraine to kill (and be killed), and it's kind of soul-crushing to be watching this and unable to do anything about it.

More vehicles heading back from the dam. Also, the Maidan Square live camera in Kyiv is down for me.

Didn't we see these tankers not that long ago going the other direction?

Also a truck with a crane and a box with windows. I forgot what it's called.

Yes, we have seen them before. I specifically remember seeing that tanker truck towing another tanker truck.

The returning column is turning on to a side street that links up with Volytsya Promyslova (and thence Prospekt Dniprovskyy and Vulitsya Frantsuzka). Possibly headed toward Oleshky and the bridge to Kherson?

LOL stuck again.

Yes, it's war, but the traffic problems here are kind of hilarious. If it weren't surrounded by houses, this would be begging for an artillery strike.

Oh, hey, the Pantsir is moving.

Another Pantsir. Also, Frigorifique? Is that pronounced "Fridge-o-rific"?

Traffic back to low levels, though still some military equipment travelling back from the dam.

Aaaaand I think we pissed someone off. Fun time is over.


I'm honestly kind of sad. Was that my fault?

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