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Editor-in-chief @bhekisisa_MG. Subscribe to our newsletter: https://t.co/WHFq7od7w4 Bluesky: @miamalan.bsky.social

Feb 25, 2022, 10 tweets

🧵1. Will SA vax kids between 5 + 11 years @ #COVID19?
- The vax MAC = not made a recommendation 2 @HealthZA. @SAHPRA1 = not approved vax 4 this group yet
- But if they say "yes" = no money 2 buy the jabs. Kids jabs = different from adult jabs. We can't use the ones we've got.

2. Do other countries vaccinate kids between 5 + 11 @ #COVID19?

- Just over a quarter of kids between 5 + 11 = vaxxed in the US
- UK = vaxxing vulnerable kids (for now)
- Sweden = only vaxxing kids vulnerable to respiratory diseases
- Full story: bit.ly/3JVGmzu

3. What about our current #COVID19 vax stock?
- In total we've got 27 million doses
- 400,000 #Pfizer doses will expire on March 31
- 7 million #Pfizer doses will expire in June/July
- Full podcast: bit.ly/3BYCFqc

4. What will happen to our unused #Pfizer doses if we don't use them before they expire?
- We will have to destroy them
- Meanwhile @HealthZA is talking to countries to see if we can swap jabs (give them some now and they give us jabs back later when we run out on our side)

5. Will SA buy other jabs that @SAHPRA1 has so far approved, i.e. Sinopharm and Sinovac?

- Definitely not in 2002, says @HealthZA's Nicholas Crisp:

“That would be a huge waste of money and a massive logistical challenge."

- Full story: bit.ly/3JVGmzu

6. @HealthZA now allows 4 "mix +match" boosters (different booster than the jab u got vaxxed with). What will happen 2 #Sisonke (#JnJ + JnJ) participants who didn't have the choice?
- MAC = deciding if = save 2 have a #Pfizer booster after 2 JnJ shots, decision soon.

7. Will SA be dropping its #COVID19 test result requirements for entry into the country and replace it with #COVID19 vaccination certificates?

Nicholas Crisp, @HealthZA: "It's under discussion and will mostly likely change."

Full podcast: bit.ly/3BYCFqc

8. What % of adults have we vaccinated against #COVID19 so far?
- 1 shot: 47.69% of adults
- Fully vaccinated: 42.58% of adults

9. How many adults have had #COVID19 vaccine boosters?

About 1 million (5.9% of fully vaccinated adults; only adults qualify for boosters in SA)

10. How many teens (12-17 years) have been vaccinated against #COVID19?

- One shot: about 1. 5 million (24.1% of teens)
- Fully vaccinated: About 250,00 (3.8% of teens)

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