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I'm a real estate developer, investor and content producer. I share what I learn to help you live a fulfilling life, achieve more and become financially free.

Feb 25, 2022, 23 tweets

21 books every young man must read:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen R. Covey

• Think win-win
• Put first things first
• Begin with the end in mind

Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor E. Frankl

• It is not the suffering that matters. It is our reaction to the suffering.
• It is not our thoughts or words that matter, but our actions

by Marcus Aurelius

• Love your fate
• Train your perceptions
• Focus on what you can control

The Coaching Habit
by Michael Bungay Stanier

• "What's on your mind?", and "and, what else" are the two most powerful questions you can ask.

Never Split the Difference
by Chris Voss

• Ask open-ended questions
• Talk with a slow and calm voice
• Take away their objectives in advance

How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie

• Remember people's name
• Be genuinely interested in others
• Talk in terms of other people's interests

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions
by John C. Maxwell

• True leaders serve people
• People feel valued when asked their opinion
• Don't let ego, pride, or insecurity get in the way

Fierce Conversations
by Susan Scott

• Interrogate reality
• Be here, prepared to be nowhere else

Great by Choice
by Jim Collins

• Fanatic discipline
• Fire bullets, then cannonballs
• Lead above the death line, always

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
by Carol Dweck

• Don't judge, teach
• Focus on learning over achievement
• We can achieve success through practice

One Up On Wall Street
by Peter Lynch

• A company with no debt can't go bankrupt
• Invest in what you believe in

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
By Dr. David Burns

• Your feelings mirror your thoughts
• The majority of our negative thoughts are not true

Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living
a Better Life
by Eric Greitens

• Move forward, even in difficult times
• Accept your fears and learn to control them

Iron John
by Robert Bly

• Boys need initiation into manhood
• Men need to connect with other men

To Be a Man
by Robert Augustus Masters

• Shift from aggression to anger
• Face your shadow and deal with your disowned parts

Man UNcivilized
by Traver Boehm

• Be dangerous but not a danger
• Be unapologetically male

No More Mr. Nice Guy
by Dr. Robert Glover

• Speak with conviction
• Stop fearing confrontation
• Make your needs a priority

Hold Onto Your N.U.T.s
by Wayne Levine

• Express, but don't defend, your emotions
• Commitments make life easier
• Silence the little boy
• Be the rock

Under Saturn's Shadow
by James Hollis

• Men's lives are governed by restrictive role expectations
• Men collude in a conspiracy of silence whose aim is to suppress their emotional truth

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
by Robert Moore

• The Four Male Archetypes
• Accessing the Archetypes
• The Archetype Shadows

• The 4 components of NVC are: observations, feelings, needs, and requests
• Express honestly through the 4 components
• Receive emphatically through the 4 components

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