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Feb 26, 2022, 8 tweets

Why 🎵 music labels is unique business model ?

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1. High Entry Barriers
It's not easy to create catalogue of 1 Lk songs in short time. Each movie will have 4-5 songs and in a year about 100 movies might be released,

so about 500 songs will be produced in a year. To create catalogue of 25000 songs it will need 50 years. Industry will keep consolidating, as bigger players will acquire the smaller music labels.

2. Get the acquisition costs recovered in 3-5 years and keep the content with you for lifetime without any incremental costs.
Keyword : Without incremental costs

3. Value migration from ad-based music to paid music
Ad-based music listeners are about 7x of paid premium music listeners while revenues from them are 22x more compared to ad-based revenues. This is the data of international market. In India opportunity size much higher !

4. Mobile phone users in India & Cost of 1 GB Data in world in $

5. Monetisation through NFTs
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#saregama -

6. Porter 5 forces - Best Industry Structure

7. ROCE of core music business

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