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Feb 26, 2022, 6 tweets

1/5 On the 1st of March 126 years ago, traditional warriors & farmers as well as women defeated a well-armed Italian army in the town of Adwa, Ethiopia. The outcome of this battle ensured Ethiopia’s independence, making it the only African country never to be colonised. #Adwa 🇪🇹

2/5 The triumph of 🇪🇹|ns at Adwa heralded hope of freedom for the Africans in Africa & beyond. It inspired Africans to embark on liberation struggles from forces of colonialism. That is why forces of resistance in the 20 century used Ethiopia as a representation of freedom. #Adwa

3/5 There were religious movements in Africa known as Ethiopianism. Also the well-known Rastafarian movement draws its inspiration from Ethiopia. Pan-Africanists such as Marcus Garvey & Bob Marley got their inspiration from association with Ethiopia because of this event at Adwa.

4/5 At the time of forming OAU the choice of where to site the secretariat of the continental body did not preoccupy the founding fathers. Ethiopia was arrived at unanimously because of the significance of the battle of Adwa.

#Adwa #Ethiopia #Africa

5/5 Adwa was a tool of Pan-Africanism movement for bringing all African together in the continent & in diaspora. The dramatic event of Adwa is one of the building blocks for African unity. It was & still in the pride of Africa.

@NeaminZeleke @iyoba4u @djsbu @HermelaTV @Futurical

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