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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Feb 26, 2022, 10 tweets

#SeditionHunters & those who #StandWithUkraine can help by reporting long-time white supremacist Twitter accounts now posting against Ukraine. Here are Cassandra Fairbanks (then at Russia's Sputnik News) and Tim Cernovich making the white power sign at the White House in 2017. 1/

Here is Fairbanks (@ CassandraRules) today mocking NATO and U.S. military. She had been trying to analogize Ukraine and US borders. Fairbanks is now at The Gateway Pundit, supposedly US-owned but the sympathies are the same. 2/

Fairbanks has a bunch of re-tweets telling people not to believe "hyped-up hero stories" (e.g. soldiers Snake Island are still alive!). Meanwhile Mike Cernovich (not Tim, typo earlier!) , an open white supremacist, is busy blaming Zelenskyy. Report him: @ Cernvoich. 3/

Both Fairbanks and Cernovich played a role in the disinfo universe that drew people to the Capitol attack on Jan 6. Fairbanks played a key role in promoting Parler, started 2018 by John Matze shortly after he returned from Russia with his new wife. 4/…

You'll notice that Fairbanks frequently appears with white supremacist Jack Posobiec (@ JackPosobiec), one of the main promoters of the Capitol attack. Posobiec and Parler founder John Matze both married their Belarusian/Russian wives in Fall 2017 after whirlwind courtships. 5/

Posobiec, among the first to promote Ali Alexander's Stop the Steal in 2020, is a little cannier than the others. Some of his recent posts nominally support Ukraine, while others attack Biden and US for being "weak", nod to conspiracy theories (the "Great Reset"). 6/

Posobiec has been posting about Russia and Ukraine since January, often overtly pro-Putin. He arrived on the 'influencer' scene in 2016 as a protegee of Roger Stone, met Mike Cernovich at an RNC event with neo-Nazis Richard Spencer (Charlottesville organizer), Peter Brimelow. 7/

The connections are consistent: Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes who led over 200 of his 'Groypers' onto Capitol grounds on Jan 6, was in the news this week for saying at his AFPAC conference: "can we have a round of applause for Russia", also praising Hitler. 8/

Fuentes was banned from Twitter, but only in 2021. Cernovich, Fairbanks, Posobiec all still on. It's time to ask hard questions: Why are there consistent links between white supremacism, promotion of Jan 6, & praise for Putin? The pattern is glaring. 9/…

Vice Magazine is now making the link: "Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Wednesday night, far-right personalities have declared Russia a beacon of anti-wokeness and Putin a strong ethnonationalist." We all need to. 10/…

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