jfab.eth Profile picture
toilet cleaner at @Hyve_DA | prev. growth at @MetisL2 | a veces escribo | opinions are my own.

Feb 26, 2022, 20 tweets

Given emissions are starting on March 5th,

I'll try to lay out the current scenery for
• External protocols that partner in with for @MetisDAO 's native version of @solidlyexchange :


🧵This will be an interesting one (1/19)

2/ On this thread, we'll cover:

3- Clarifying $HERMES & $SOLID model once & for all
8- @solidlyexchange impact on $FTM & its eco
11- Possibilities for potential partners
13- $MAIA price & TVL post-announcement
16- For $METIS

*3-7: my own understanding of the model

Let's go👇

3/ Before we start, its super necessary that we fully understand WHAT EXACTLY IS $HERMES, and how/why its model of incentivizing fees will not clash or compete with other AMMs models and strategies, but instead COEXIST with them, & improve the overall eco's outcome

Let's see👇

4/ $HERMES model will not incentivize HIGH fees, but just ✨fees✨

High fees is what we're running away from (L1's congestion)...

If they are incentivizing the pool with the *MOST* fees, that tends to mean they're incentivizing the pool that's responsible for the most trades!

5/ Remember that whenever you make a swap on a DEX, you have to pay a small fee.

Sometimes, you might not even notice it if you're trading small $ amounts.

Those are the fees they're talking about (and others that we'll see in a minute)

6/ For AMMs partnering in, it's beautiful, since they keep a stunning 100% of da pool's fees🥴

Hold up. How does the external protocol benefits?

Rewards don't auto accrue. They must b claimed manually, there4 creating another small fee that goes 2 da external protocol/veHERMES

7/ Rewards will be given in the form of $HERMES native token. And, as mentioned before, if 100% of $veHERMES is locked... 0% dilution, and a very lucrative move for everyone.

That... is what them crypto bros mean by incentivizing fees.

8/ Jan 6th was the day that it all started, when @AndreCronjeTech shared a Medium post called ve(3,3). Like I said before, I won't go that much into detail, but look at the numbers from Jan 6th (publication) vs Jan 25th (3 weeks later)

INSANE.. We talking bout Billions with a B

9/ As you can see, most of the $FTM eco didn't just "bounce off the dip"... it f*cking exploded and went skyhigh real quick

Also.. bc of $SOLID there's currently more tx taking place in $FTM network than in $ETH...

Imagine the potential for $METIS lightning & cheap tx🤯

10/ Not only $FTM now stands at a $10B+ TVL and a higher daily tx count than #Ethereum, but the number of unique addresses how increased accordingly.

Fantom's network now has more unique addresses than Avax's C-Chain, & that's BIG

It grew by 800K addys since the announcement

11/ If we zoom in at some of the main players of the $FTM eco, we'll see that they've had some last 72hrs VERY out of the ordinary ( $SOLID emissions started 3d ago)

$SPIRIT: +167%
$BOO: +75%
$WeVe: +150% (wasnt a main dex; is a main player in $SOLID)

Whole FTM eco is green rn

12/ This model won't hurt "competitors" because other AMMs are not competitors... they're beneficiaries.

13/ $MAIA price and TVL since announcement

I'll attach a pic of Yesterday's Stake n Chill dashboard, and one of Today's.

Bear in mind that while it doubled, that was $4M(millions with an M), and if $HERMES succeeds to the degree of $SOLID, the upside is still absolutely absurd

14/ A more detailed thread on $MAIA was released a few days ago, but what I'll say Today, is that the fee-incentivized model was already proven a roaring success (so far) in $FTM

@MaiaDAOMetis will own 25% of $HERMES supply forever, so I'd say staking $MAIA is very underrated rn

15/ The pump in TVL & tx count we saw in $FTM was not constant/stable, so even if we see a big increase in both areas 4 $METIS followed by them numbers droppin: it's part of the drill

There's snapshots, & there's emissions (later on), so we'll prob see a big rise>drop>real rise

16/ Ngl, @MetisDAO Goddess is pretty cute, but she's not the reason u kept using Andromeda Network & became a native of $METIS eco

Real reason is: transacting in Andromeda is a DELIGHT

Fast, cheap, super secure.

Once users from other chains try it, you think they won't stay?

17/ If a big number of users come to $METIS for $HERMES, they will most likely stay using Andromeda.

Literally, why would you go back to other chains? $METIS would grow EXPONENTIALLY (probs billions)

(NOT TRYING TO BASH ON ANY CHAIN: There's other chains I also like A LOT)

18/ LOT OF IFs, but:

A few days ago I was having a chat with @AdrianStarr108 on @MetisDAO and he said something interesting

Given $METIS tx costs & scalability after dec storage is deployed, Andromeda could become a blockchain hub

Imagine how many users could decide to stay...

19/ Terminamos, amigos.

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If you have any additions or corrections you'd want to make, please do! Goal is 2 be well informed

Shoutout to @MetisDAO , @MaiaDAOMetis for delivering non stop. Lets get it

@MetisDAO @MaiaDAOMetis 6-7/ The goal of this model is 2 maximize capital efficiency, since the pools that are responsible 4 the most trades r also going 2 be the 1s attracting the most liquidity! Meaning:

• Less slippage
• High APYs 4 LPs
• Literally everyones happy

Funds r being used correctly🤝

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