Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Feb 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Psst - I think someone's trying to pull a fast one on us.

One week ago, masks were required at State Of The Union by the Sergeant-at-arms on Thursday, February 17.

H/T @Amal4Solutions and @FinchTH…

Three days later? Masks are optional.…

What happened?

Did transmission rates
drop so suddenly that masks are no longer required?

Not according to the new 'community' levels.

Firmly, orange. Which would be bright red on the old map.

No, what happened was politics.

Biden is going to try and convince the nation that he has beaten CoVid.

He's got all of the public health authorities to set aside public health for his political health.

@CDCgov for all of American health.

Congress’ Office of the Attending Physician for all of Congress.

Can that Office legitimately say that Don Young (R) at 87 years old is going to be ok? Or Eddie Johnson (D) at 85?…

Tara's question applies to the Congress’ Office of the Attending Physician as well as the CDC:

I don't trust the @CDCgov farther than I could throw their 10 year old laptop that is
hosting their rickety Community Levels at this point.

Gregg's thread analyzing those Community Levels really struck home.

Finally, I still am waiting for someone, anyone, to explain WHY we needed to change the metrics.

Given those celebrating that change are either Biden health cheerleaders or #urgencyofnone bad-faith actors like Prasad?


Why? more thing.

The below antibody study indicates that we should treat novel variants of novel viruses much more carefully.

And that both of Biden's political decisions here on public health?

Are colossal disasters.

H/t @MLS_Dave (I believe) for this :

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