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Feb 28, 2022, 10 tweets

#BREAKING Up to 3.6 bn people 'highly vulnerable' to climate change: UN

#BREAKING More than 1 bn people in flood-prone coastal zones by 2050: UN

#BREAKING Some climate impacts 'irreversible', threat grows above 1.5C: UN

#BREAKING Up to 14% of land species risk extinction at 1.5C warming: UN

#BREAKING Without urgent action on climate, 'liveable future' at risk: UN

#BREAKING World powers have shown 'criminal' lack of climate leadership: UN chief

#UPDATE UN chief Antonio Guterres has blasted world powers for a "criminal" abdication of leadership after the release of an extensive new report on climate change impacts, accusing major polluters of fuelling devastating warming that threatens people and planet

#UPDATE The IPCC report was released under the shadow of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the UN chief said current events underscore the vulnerability of the global economy and energy security to "geopolitical shocks and crises" and the urgent need to turn to renewable power

Map shows how New York, Dhaka and Rotterdam are at risk of coastal floods.
A new UN report said the number of people living in low-lying coastal regions could increase to above one billion by 2050

A landmark UN report said Monday that time had nearly run out to ensure a "liveable future" for all, detailing a horrifying "atlas of human suffering" and warning that far worse was to come

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