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Feb 28, 2022, 16 tweets


“Speaking to Kadyrov the Rosgvardia deputy describes how when he told his officers “many commanders listened to it with their eyes bulging, barely restrained their emotions”. He also warns many officers worry some of their soldiers will refuse orders in ukraine.”

Hence Western intel had such detailed insights into Russian invasion plans with Kadyrov's commanders updating Kadyrov about war preparations via voice notes.

Maybe that explains the Vindman Kadyrov video that seemed a bit weird given Chechen troops were busy invading Ukraine.

Can anyone translate this article? Seems important @BBCWorld @KyivIndependent…

H/T @CoppetainPU for this link to an English translation.…

That’s odd. My link doesn’t work even though I piggy backed off Peter’s.

Here’s his tweet. Use his link!

I shall provide screenshots as the translation seems to come and go.

It seems that the Chechen troops were kept in the dark about the invasion plans until very late in the day

Ha! Video address to troops:

“Taking this opportunity, I want to give advice to the current president Zelensky. Until he becomes the ex-president of Ukraine, so that he quickly calls our president, Supreme Commander Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and asks for an apology,"

I suspect Putin is in for long wait for a Selensky apology unless there is a gun to his head.

Exchanges recorded between “Martynov” and Kadyrov (Head of the Chechen State)

An example of the exchange here. “Everything will be fine” says Kadyrov with a yawn.

Martynov likely Colonel Danil Martynov, Deputy Head of the Chechen National Guard.

Both were already subject to US sanctions.

Voice samples have been compared and verified.

From these messages it seems likely that the preparations have, in fact, been going on for some time, confirming US intelligence.

They suggest all actions by Chechen troops are 100% approved and supported by the leadership. Discusses which buildings they would enter and which to control.

They planned to take “clean” Ukraine SIM cards with them and “special satellite modems”.

It looks as if it was only a week before the invasion that plans were shared with Commanders…who showed visible signs of concern and feared there would be “refuseniks”

They knew it was wrong and went ahead.

The movement started.

I wonder what “construction” was undertaken?

On February 24th the Russian operation was launched.

Was it really only 4-5 days ago?

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