Rustie Profile picture
Sewer socialist technocrat. Infrastructure. Psephology. Shitposting. Long-suffering Blues fan. 🏳️‍🌈 but bad at it. He/him. Not a pigeon. Alt: @alt_rustie.

Mar 1, 2022, 8 tweets

I'll do a map update on the Wellington #ConvoyNZ2022 occupation later this evening. Short answer is space wise nothing has changed.

Assorted observations from today's walk. For vibes.

One change on the Hill and Molesworth front: complete vehicle barriers now in place. Makes access difficult.

Are they for keeping people out, or keeping people in?

When you fail the roadside sobriety test:

This is new.

When you're in your van and you're having a normal one.

Seeing more of these tense small encounters between police and occupiers.

One of these dudes was trying to defuse the situation. One was not.

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