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🤿Marine scientist 📢Activist ED @MySea2Sky Partner at Visual Science Founder #ZeroCarbonChallenge Climate action + social justice 🇦🇺🇨🇦 ❤=🎿❄🪁🧗‍♀️🚲🌻🎸🫐

Mar 1, 2022, 36 tweets

Here are some of the key messages from the latest IPCC report.

While climate change is an existential threat to all life on earth, this report also offers solutions and hope.

Here we go... 🧵

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Global warming has caused dangerous and widespread disruption in nature."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate change is affecting the lives of billions of people, despite efforts to adapt."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Impacts are magnified in cities where more than half the world's population lives."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate change combines with unsustainable use of natural resources, habitat destruction, growing urbanization, and inequity."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"3.3 to 3.6 billion people live in hotspots of high vulnerability to climate change."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Overlapping challenges:
• Limited access to water, sanitation and health services
• Climate-sensitive livelihoods
• High levels of poverty
• Weak leadership
• Lack of funding
• Lack of accountability and trust in government."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Every small increase in warming will result in increased risks."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

Comparing biodiversity loss at different warming levels of 1.5°C versus 3.0°C.

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Nature's crucial services at risk in a warming world:
• Pollination
• Coastal protection
• Tourism / recreation
• Food source
• Health
• Water filtration
• Clean air
• Climate regulation."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Future global climate risks:
• Heat stress
• Water scarcity
• Food security
• Flood risk."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Action on adaptation has increased but progress is uneven and we are not adapting fast enough."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"There are increasing gaps between adaptation action taken and what's needed.
These gaps are largest among lower income populations.
They are expected to grow."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"There are options we can take to reduce the risks to people and nature."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Nature offers significant untapped potential."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Water management"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Improving food security"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Transforming cities"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Adapting informal settlements"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

But... "There are limits to adaptation..."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Financial constraints
• Current global financial flows are insufficient
• Most finance targets emissions reductions rather than adaptation
• Climate impacts can slow down economic growth"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"To avoid mounting losses, urgent action is required to adapt to climate change.

At the same time, it is essential to make rapid, deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to keep the maximum number of adaptation options open."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

How to accelerate adaptation...

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"The wider benefits of adaptation"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Our future?
• Reduced climate risks - adaptation
• Reduced greenhouse gas emissions - mitigation
• Enhanced biodiversity
• Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

This is Climate Resilient Development."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate Resilient Development

The solutions framework:
• Is considered across government and all of civil society
• Involves everyone - forming partnerships"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate Resilient Development

The solutions framework:
• Draws on wide-ranging knowledge (scientific, Indigenous, local, practical)"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate Resilient Development

The solutions framework:
• Conserves and restores ecosystems"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate Resilient Development

The solutions framework:
• Involves marginalized groups
• Prioritises equity and justice
• Reconciles different interests, values, and world views"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate Resilient Development

The solutions framework:
• Requires scaled-up investment and international cooperation"

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Increasing urgency

Starting today, every action, every decision matters.

Worldwide action is more urgent than previously assessed."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"Climate resilient development is already challenging at current global warming levels.

The prospects will become further limited if warming exceeds 1.5°C and may not be possible if warming exceeds 2°C."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

"The science is clear.

Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future.

This report offers solutions to the world."

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

There are more slides from the @IPCC_CH's presentation to the press available here:…

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

Or you can access all of the materials from the latest IPCC report here.

#IPCCReport #ClimateReport #IPCC

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