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George Orwell ➡️ The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes & ears. It was their final, most essential command. Geen ❤️ maar RT ! - Xshadowban

Mar 2, 2022, 92 tweets

#VladimirPutin / #Putin

Vision, politics and strategy for a better world

Listen first, then judge ⬇️

#journalism =

long thread ⬇️⬆️

It's Only A '#ConspiracyTheory'
When It Accuses
The USA Government

#Russia vs #USA


The Other Side of the #News.
Actual Ukrainians. ⬇️

Audio recording of a convo between #JoeBiden & Petro #Poroshenko on 11/16/16


War #Ukraine-WAR fortold


and this ⬇️……

in Dutch ⬇️ 2015

Kernoorlog met Rusland,
is dat wat we willen ?

De demonisering van #VladimirPutin doet denken aan die van #SaddamHoessein in de aanloop naar de #Irak-oorlog.
De gevolgen kunnen vele malen rampzaliger zijn.…

#Zelensky zegt dat de #NAVO “preventieve kernwapenaanvallen” op #Rusland moet uitvoeren


#Zelensky signs decree refusing any negotiations with #VladimirPutin


#VladimirPutin ⬇️

The attack on the #CrimeanBridge is a #TerroristAct against Russian critical #CivilianInfraStructure perpetrated by #Ukraine.

in German/Dutch
Toespraak van #SergejLavrov
op 22/09/22
in de #VNveiligheidsraad

Genegeerd door #MSM en @EU_Commission, wat het #censuur-regime benadrukt waarin wij leven.
Welke #hoorenwederhoor?

NL ondertiteld


Russia’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ Scare
#Russia appears to be legitimately concerned about the possibility of #Ukraine using a “dirty bomb,”
so much so that it has taken the unprecedented step of reaching out to multiple senior Western defense authorities.…

in Dutch ⬇️

#Rusland lijkt zich terecht zorgen te maken over de mogelijkheid dat #Oekraïne een “vuile bom” bouwt en gebruikt en heeft de ongekende stap gezet om meerdere hoge westerse defensieautoriteiten te benaderen, 


Short summary ⬇️⬆️ thread
Professor #JeffreySachs ⬇️
"Here we are near the brink of a #NuclearWar because the #USA just can't keep its goddamn nose out of anyone's backyard, and we kept pushing for #NATO enlargement.

USA Congress bans arms to #Ukraine militia linked to neo-#Nazis ⬇️


#AzovNeoNazi's #Azov

#ScottRitter :

The #Ukraine #DeathList…

Leaked documents:

British spies constructing secret #terror army in #Ukraine


Anatomy of a Coup:

How #CIA Front Laid Foundations for #Ukraine War


The #CIA ⬇️

70 years in #Ukraine
by #DougValentine

"The Ukrainian leadership aren’t Nazis? Why would the USA & #NATO work with Nazis?"
Answers to these questions. Recommended viewing to understand the #UkraineConflict

⬇️ and…

The USA #ProxyWar
in #Ukraine is not goin well.

Let’s ask some
important questions ⬇️


Western Allies Look to Ukraine as a #TestingGround for Weapons

The battle for #Ukraine remains largely a grinding #ArtilleryWar, new advances in technology and #training there are being closely monitored


The #Ukraine war didn't start in February 2022, it started in February 2014

The Grayzone's #AaronMate tells Jimmy Dore.


Is Washington Fighting Russia Down To The Last Ukrainian ?


The CIA:
70 years in Ukraine

"The Ukrainian leadership aren’t #Nazis?
Why would the USA & #NATO work with #Nazi's?"

The #CIA: 70 years in #Ukraine by #DougValentine is a hard-hitting account.

#Ukraine War
Documents Reveal


Let's look at the victims of the war in the Ukraine, that didn't start in 2022.
(Suffering of #Donbass)





in Dutch ⬇️


#Nederland en

de oorlog…



Neoliberal #Shocktherapy :
War between tanks and banks

#Ukraine war tolls death knell
for #NATO…

There is no #Ukraine.
It has been sold to western corporations via #USA

#BlackRock (and #WEF)
owns now the #Ukraine

and ⬇️

#BlackRock ⬇️⬆️ thread…

The #USA Could Not Win and Will Not Fight a War Against #Russia…

2023 #NewYearsSpeech
(ENGLISH version)


Back in 2014 #CNN made this reportage about the US-backed government in Kiev attacking its own civilians in #Donetsk.
Still think their referendum to join #Russia was staged?


Where was the
international outrage in 2014?


Time To Get Real About Ukraine

Don’t believe the incessant USA government and media #propaganda about #Ukraine. Ukraine is not winning the war;
they are losing badly.

#Russia #Ukraine

@jblow19442019 2/2 ⬇️
Prevent making permanent blaming statements about things that have only been heard by #soundbites.



"Their blood, our bullets"
The cold, hard USA calculus in Ukraine

Rather than attempt diplomacy with #Russia, the USA opts for a prolonged "stalemate" in #Ukraine.


#Fascism and #NAZIs were never defeated, but disguised themselves behind masks of perceptions that are now being deposited.

In 2023, a European Parliament openly celebrates one of the #Nazis' most murderous collaborators.…

In 1953, the #CIA set up a radio station in #Ukraine to

"provide a wedge that can be driven deeper between the Soviets and the Ukrainians and would exacerbate existing suspicions and antagonisms between the two ethnic factions"


Let's Nuke The World Over Who Governs #Crimea:

Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix


The #USA would never tolerate #Russia influencing Canadian politics, militarizing Canada and Russian forces on the USA border.

USA was ready to start a nuclear war because #Cuba had made the #sovereign decision to station Soviet missiles on its territory.


are costing
more and more lives. ⬇️


The Ukrainian postal service issued a series of postage stamps dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the #SSdivision #Galicia.

People and culture identification.


Almost all #BigPharma criminals are in the #Ukraine and not just to launder money.

#GainOfFunction #Biolabs


cockroach tango ⬇️

#Putin #Russia
#Ukraine sale to #BlackRock

Truth About #Tanks
How #NATO Lied Its Way to Disaster in #Ukraine

#Russia #Ukraine

People, not on the news.
#Donbass woman:
"I don't consider the #USA to be human, sorry. You know history perfectly well, they start war anywhere. All their wealth is acquired through wars.
They don't care about people."

Why the #USA establishment politicians are sending tanks, jets, weapons, equipment, and $100+ billion to #Ukraine.

And let’s go back to when and where it all began.


Uncomfortable words from #Donbass.

"If anything falls over in Kiev or God forbid, kills somebody, the whole world is screaming that #Russia is the aggressor.
Ukraine have been killing us here for 9 years and the world doesn't see it.".
A resident from #DPR tells JohnnyMiller.

#Germany Declares War
on #Russia

Nearly a year old, 
#NATO’s #proxywar on

and ⬇️


Russian personnel acquired
over 20,000 documents of
the #USA biological programmes.

Materials confirm that the #Pentagon aimed at creating elements of a
#BiologicalWeapon, & testing it
on the population of #Ukraine❗️


to win the war against #Russia…

here’s why ⬇️


dutch / nl
Het is TE LAAT voor de #NAVO
om de oorlog tegen Rusland
te winnen …

Waarom eigenlijk ?

#Poetin / #Rusland…

#KlausSchwab & #HunterBiden Connected To #Ukraine #BioLabs.

A closer examination of the #Pentagon funded bio-labs in Ukraine brings up all the usual suspects.


So the strongest possible response
became A Fucking Joke❗


Short summary of
all the foregoing
and it is also about
the #economy, stupid !


#notonthenews ⬇️

Ukraine - Russia war
explained - ⬇️⬆️ thread

or ⬇️


#PinkFloyd co-founder #RogerWaters today released a video accusing the #USA and its "#NATO vassals" of provoking Russia to invade Ukraine.
He also says countries of Central Eastern Europe should not have join NATO.


in Dutch / nl

De oorlog die voorkomen had kunnen worden.

1 jaar later.


Dutch / nl

De leugens over #Rusland

#BuitenhofTV #buitenhof
Alles wat afwijkt van #NAVO-standpunt is "desinformatie".

welke #HoorEnWederhoor ?

Exclusive interview with
Prof #JohnJMearsheimer,
Political Science Department at the #UniversityOfChicago,
on #UkraineCrisis

Thread about #ViktoriaNuland, mastermind behind the #RegimeChange of 2/22/2014 in #Ukraine, her role in USA policy of #warmongering.

She helped plan the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Yanukovych.…

#JoeBiden’s War In #Ukraine Designed To Cover Up
Illegal Deep State Operated #Bioweapons Research Facilities


The party told you
to reject the evidence of
your eyes & ears.
It was their final,
most essential command


Since 2015❗

It's not a "whataboutism" to say it's absurd to charge #Putin with #warcrimes without charging Bush, it's a completely devastating argument against the claim being made.

#ICC #InternationalCriminalCourt…

#JohnMearsheimer ⬇️

The USA is destroying #Ukraine


#BarackObama Ordered Construction Of #Biolabs
In #Ukraine

To Create Dangerous Pathogens

#biolabs = #bioweaponlabs = #bioweapons

No country can defend itself against #bioweapons,
therefore they are perverse and…

#Uranium weapons being employed in #Ukraine have significantly increased #Uranium levels in the air in the UK


#Uranium toxicity,
should you be concerned ?


NATO's Stoltenberg: "NATO allies and #NATO have been there since 2014... trained, equipped, and supported Ukrainian armed force."

Just further proof that #Russia's military intervention in #Ukraine was far from being "unprovoked."

In Moscow,
Xi and Putin
bury Pax Americana

In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has 'not been seen in 100 years.'…

Dutch ⬇️

Documenten gevonden van de Amerikaanse militaire en biologische activiteiten in #Oekraïne

Update over de #Pfizer en #Moderna

#biolabs #bioweapons…

#Ukraine War Is A Scam
Admits Ex-French President #FrancoisHollande


2014 #MinskAccords

How to Follow the #UkraineWar

How to bypass official #propaganda and #disinformation.


2008 Bucharest summit.

#GeorgeBush junior praising #Ukraine for supporting the illegal US invasions of #Afghanistan and #Iraq.

Telling he supports Ukraine becoming a #NATO member.....

Oekraïense journalist roept via nationale tv, @HromadskeUA, op tot #genocide van etnische Russen in de #Donbas. 

Ukrainian journalist on national TV, @HromadskeUA, calls for #genocide of ethnic Russians in the #Donbas.


De onderbelichte wereld
(wegens massieve #censuur)

De speech van Sergej Lavrov voor de #VNveiligheidsraad


#CheckAndDoubleCheck ?

+ #draad ⬆️⬇️

If the West had not pursued #NATO expansion into #Ukraine,
it is unlikely there would be a war in Ukraine today."

~ Professor #JohnMearsheimer

The USA has funded #Ukraine Lab Pathogen and #BioWeapons Research since 2005.

Here is the official evidence ⬇️…

2023, june 3

Colonel #DouglasMacgregor:
#Russia is going on the offensive


Perpetrators and their motives.

When #KakhovkaDam is blown up, then the idea of water supply in #Crimea will be gone for at least 10 years."

And will be watched when the algoritmes #censorship and algorithms are gone.


Kiev's Long-Term
"Last Resort" Plan
To Blow-Up
The #KakhovaDam Exposed

and ⬇️


How long can mainstream Western #media defend Ukraine's #Nazi problem?


Busted Big Time…
#USA, #NATO Ultimately Responsible for #WarCrime of #KakhovkaDam Destruction…

June 15, 2023

Another act of Terror.
How the Media do PR
for #JoeBiden and #VolodymyrZelensky

Coverage of #KakhovkaDam and #NordStream shows western media willing to prioritize anti-Russian #propaganda over facts.

#journalism is dead…

Why Ukraine's "#BuchaMassacre" Story Isn't Adding Up


"Over 3 million hectares of agricultural land are now owned by companies in Western #TaxHavens..."

Irish MEP #MickWallace exposes the #Zelensky regime in #Ukraine


The logic of Western Warmongers


Oscar®-winning filmmaker #OliverStone unprecedented access to the Russian president #VladimirPutin in 12 interviews over 2 years, no topic off-limits.





#Zelensky and proxy war apologists insist that #Ukraine could not have implemented the #MinskAccords, claiming they were a surrender to Moscow.

President Poroshenko, who signed, says it was only to gain time to be able for #NATO to train the Ukrainian Army to their standards.


Shocking document:

How the USA planned the #war and #EnergyCrisis in Europe


In Dutch

De onderbelichte donkerste kant van #Oekraïne.

De #kinderhandel en #orgaanhandel,
een miljardenhandel.

Je kunt niet wegkijken bij de dood van een half miljoen jongens en verwachten dat je zelf de dans ontspringt.


Maps you not often see

This map of #Ukraine clearly says why the problem arose.
#Ukraine not recognizing Russian language as one of official language is also a grave mistake.


actions and

Ukraine actions ⬇️ #Donbas



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