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Burning Bubbles

Mar 2, 2022, 14 tweets

Thread: How Wikipedia editors TrangaBellam, VanaMonde & Kautilya are narrating Hindu history on Wikipedia with anti-Hindu bias.
They are targeting articles of Hindu Kings, Temples, historical events and texts.
This will be a contributory thread.
Friends, please add your comments.

#TrangaBellam has merged RamaCharitam (a Sanskrit poem that talks about Ramayana and Pala King RamaPala) with Varendra Rebellion (a rebellion against Mahipala 2). Despite protests, the process of merging is on.
This article is carefully placed within the scope of Bangladesh.

This is a conversation between Wiki editors Kautilya, Vanamonde & TrangaBellam.
Note: How they are vocal about a section title called #Hinduphobia.
Even though they admit that Hinduphobia exists but they don't want to use the term on Wiki.
They teamed up and managed to remove it.

The current fight is against including #Hinduphobia because as soon as the word appears, it will gain currency. Even though self-published sources & original research aren't considered valid sources, TrangaBellam's argues that he will use them as they are "not completely banned".

Here's TrangaBellam arguing to include Audrey Truschke as source on Wikipedia in the Aurangzeb page overruling others who are pointing out that that she is biased.
My limited point is that despite malicious edits, TrangaBellam and his/her friends are aided & abetted on Wikipedia.

This is the conversation between Kautilya, TrangaBellam etc when other Wiki users moved the profile of Audrey Truschke as a Draft.
This is done to merely improve an article or if the article is questioned. But the article is not banned in any way.
See how they reacted to it.

TranGabellam gets an award for articles on "pre-Muslim dynasties in Kashmir". Kautilya congratulates.
Who are Kashmir's "pre-muslim" dynasties? Yup, Hindu kings like Pratapaditya.
These awards help in gaining powers. Tranga can now censor others and unpublish their contributions.

After the death of Photographer Danish Siddique, TrangaBellam inserted that "BJP supporters reveled his death and called it karma".
Result: Hindu nationalists are blamed for celebrating Danish's death and in the very next line it is mentioned that "Taliban regretted his killing".

What is TrangaBellam also targeting?
It is a page on "Bhonsle". Can you draw a connection?
Truschke is uneasy about a King who gave a hard time to Aurangzeb.
Here is a snapshot about how the page is getting edited.
If you look closely, you will know Tranga's next possible target.

I can go on about how TrangaBellam & his/her friends are including biased edits on Wikipedia.
They can't change History but trying to change the popular narrative about Hindu history.
Today, popular narrative is what tops Google Search.
Thread will continue, but another day.

Many of you have rightly pointed out that I have left out the most controversial additions of the Wikipedia Trio. Yes, that's for another day and another occasion.

Trangabellam and clan are changing the narratives of recent cases of religious violence too.
Take for example the Nikita Tomar murder case which was reported extensively by @swati_gs.
Tranga concluded that it is a case of "Plain old misogyny and male entitlement to female bodies"

TrangaBellam removed the entire section of "Upliftment of depressed castes by Savarkar".
When told that it was based on @vikramsampath and Dhananjay Keer's books, Tranga said: "I haven't read Vikram Sampath."
He hasn't read Sampath but putting in malicious edits on his page?

I can go on and on about TrangaBellam but I think I have made my point.
Edit sports or music articles, there won't be any issue and you will be happy.
Touch anything related to the Hindus and you will suddenly find TrangaBellam coming at you from the shadows.

Thread closed.

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