Lucy McBride, MD Profile picture
Primary care MD | #BeyondThePrescription Pod | fmr @HarvardMed, Johns Hopkins | Words @TheAtlantic @WashingtonPost @USAtoday | Are You Okay?👇

Mar 3, 2022, 13 tweets

I was honored to testify today in front of congressional @EnergyCommerce committee:

"Lessons from the Front-Line: #COVID19's Impact on American Health Care."

My opening statement ... followed by congressional member questions...


🧵 1x

Mental, physical & behavioral health are inseparable.

The pandemic has laid bare our vast vulnerabilities.

#Primarycare is where ppl can be fully seen & heard, where trust is born & where we apply broad public health advice to pts' unique medical issues & lived experience ...2x

Approx 80M Americans don't have a primary care provider.

We must scale up/increase access to needed #primarycare services, as a hub for problem-solving for medical conditions like obesity, diabetes & depression, in order to heal from trauma & prepare for the next pandemic...3x

On the erosion of trust in public health institutions & the critical important of truth, transparency & trust in medicine - in addition to access to #primarycare 👇 4x

This is a parallel pandemic of mental health in crisis. The @Surgeon_General @AmerAcadPeds et al declared a #mentalhealth emergency in children/teens.

Moving forward, we must recognize the broad & diverse array of health risks. Health is abt more than the absence of COVID19..5x

Proposal: school-based #primarycare & mental/behavioral health services.

Let's meet people where they are. 👇 6x

On the need for a more diverse range of experts at the table during a global pandemic.

The more voices, the better - during & after a collective trauma. ..7x

Trust is the commodity in patient care. We must incentivize doctors graduating from medical school to go into #primarycare. We also need more NPs & PAs!

We must recognize that *time* & the *relationship* with a primary care medical provider is the public health ground game...8x

Two big public health failures:

1) Prolonged school closures, and
2) Failure to protect our frail nursing home population in 2020

In the future, we must tailor our mitigation efforts to degree of risk & recognize the potential harms of any/all interventions 👇 9x

More on the harms of school closures. 👇 10x

On the absence of compelling real-world data (to date!) that masks *mandates* in schools meaningfully reduce the risk of SARSCoV2 transmission within schools ...11x👇. .

Link to today's full hearing 👇👇👇 .... 12x

On infection-acquired immunity versus vaccine-induced immunity.

The human immune system is *not* a political body; it’s an immune system. 👇 13x

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