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Mar 3, 2022, 9 tweets

What's in a range? From Module 4, here's a quick breakdown of:

- What a range is
- How to set up the fib tool
- Determining a range
- Timeframe Based Ranges
- Market Structue Based Ranges
- Combination Ranges

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What a range is:

Quite short and sweet, a range (in my opinion) can be defined by using two points based overall on Market Structure, but defined in a couple of different ways (read on for these)

These make great trading opportunities

Fib Tool Set Up:

Determining a Range:

Timeframe Based Ranges

(3 images)

Market Structure Based Ranges

(3 images)

Combination Based Ranges

(3 images)


This now gets you up to speed with some short sharp updated of what a range is, and how the different types, (in my opinion) can form.

Please feel free to retweet or give it a like or comment if this helps out - head on over to Discord if you've got any queries!

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