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Mar 4, 2022, 9 tweets

[Thread] Have the new #COVIDV19 jab rules @healthza implemented in Feb resulted in a higher uptake?
- Early data = encouraging (🧵= details)
- What were the changes?
* 2nd #Pfizer jab = 21 days after 1st
* Pfizer booster = 90 days after 2nd
* #JnJ booster = 60 days after 1st

2. When did the changes kick in?
1. #JnJ: 21 Feb
#Pfizer: 23 Feb
2. What happened?
Comparison of uptake on 16 Feb + 2 March (1 wk after new rules):
* Increases:
- EC: 113%, KZN: 64%; LP: 96% (private sites)
- WC: 66% (public sites)
- NC (93%) (public +private sites)

3. What changes did @healthza see in uptake in provinces before and after the new rules?
- Uptake in all provinces increased
- Largest increases
MP: 1.7%
FS : 1.3%
GP 1.3%

4. Was there higher uptake among men (they have lower uptake than women in general) before and after the introduction of new rules?

Yes, men's uptake (1.2%) increased slightly more than women's (1%)

5. Was there higher uptake among people of 18-34 years before and after the new rules? This group has the lowest uptake of all age groups and is age group that now needs to be targeted most.

Yes, 18-34 (2.1%) had the highest increase in uptake of all age groups

6. What does the data tell us? It could potentially be that the new rules are leading to an increased uptake of 2nd #Pfizer doses and all boosters (but the data @healthza presented = only compared two individual days; we need more more comparisons to be able to see a trend).

7. Data presented looked @ doses in general, so it didn't break down which doses = 2nd #Pfizer, boosters or 1st doses. But @healthza's Nicholas Crisp says, the dpt = concerned that most doses = follow-up doses, rather than 1st doses (so fewer new people = coming to be vaxxed).

8. How many #COVID19 doses of March 3 were 1st doses (so new people coming to be vaxxed)?

29,780 (27.7%) out of 107,341 doses (the rest = 2nd #Pfizer doses and Pfizer and JnJ boosters)

9. Where does the data used in this thread come from?
1. March 3 vax data: @healthza dashboard: sacoronavirus.co.za/latest-vaccine…
2. Everything else was presented by @healthza's Nicholas Crisp at the dpt's March 4 briefing. Watch the briefing here:

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