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Mar 4, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵1.What's happening with #COVID19 infections in SA?

@Dr_Groome, @nicd_sa:

- Our #Omicron wave is over
- There was a small uptick when schools and colleges opened and restrictions were also eased, but infections are now down to "in between wave" levels

2. What version of #Omicron is dominant in SA?

1. BA.2 (the version that's now spreading around the world, as opposed to BA.1, the original version)
2. BA.2 (dark orange on pie charts) = more transmissible, but SA data shows it doesn't make people sicker than BA.1

3. These graphs show how SA's #COVID19 cases have decreased (top) and how the BA.2 version of #Omicron has increased/spread (bottom).

4. Currently, the highest incidence of #COVID19 cases = people of 80 and older and the lowest incidence among kids ages 0-4 years.

5. @Dr_Groome:
1. Our test positivity rate 4 #Omicron = higher than at the same "in between wave" stage in other waves, so it's been decreasing slower
2. But it's now below 10% and decreasing or stabilising all provinces (WHO says 5% = indication a pandemic is under control)

6. @Dr_Groome
#COVID19 cases are decreasing in all age groups, as shown in this graph

7. Summary:
1. The BA.2 version of #Omicron has increased from 5% of genomes sequenced in Dec to 78% in Feb
2. The % of tests coming out positive are decreasing and so is the number of daily #COVID19 cases

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