Mikey Kay 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Profile picture
Investigative Journo #SecurityBrief Wednesdays on @bbcworld| Adventurer| Solo Filmmaker| Ex-military heli pilot | MA War Studies| #Autism advocate

Mar 4, 2022, 16 tweets

Agree w/ @jensstoltenberg. If the aim is to disrupt and deter RU use of Ukraine airspace, Stinger is your option. Lots of them, closely monitored by SF. Benefits?

1. Air Crews are shit scared of Stinger which has superior counter counter measures. 2/

2. #Ukraine #NFZ

When I flew in Iraq and Afghanistan, even the idea of MANPADs being part of our threat, created all sorts of additional protocols. And Stinger, that’s a nightmare. As soon as a RU ac is taken out by Stinger, RU aircrews’ morale will head south. 3/

3. #Ukraine #NFZ

The logistical tail of creating a 24/7 NFZ is huge. Where will the NATO ac be located? Baltic Air Policing is based out of Lithuania and Estonia. If based out of there, tanking will be required, and you risk Putin striking the bases. Escalation. 4/

4. #Ukraine #NFZ

We shouldn’t underestimate the risk of escalation. Consider this scenario: an IL-76 flies into UKR airspace w/ 50+ RU paratroopers on it. You can a) take it out w/ a Stinger fired by UKR forces. Or b) if an NFZ, a NATO pilot has to make the call. I’d take a).

5. #Ukraine #NFZ Update:

Waking up to footage circulating on Twitter of what looks like 2x RU air MANPADs shoot downs. The first here, what looks a Mi-24 Hind w/ gear up.

Note: some saying it’s a Mi-35. Same fuselage as Mi-24, updated avionics/systems Mi-35 is export version 6/

6. #Ukraine #NFZ

Firstly the video looks legit (not DCS - Digital Combat Sim). Would like to geo-locate and verify w/ footage of wreckage.

Some questioning why there would be a camera? When I flew helis in high threat areas, low, fast and trying not to pattern set was key.


7. #Update #NFZ

Mi-24 is tracking lowest part of terrain here. If you’re a FIM-92 Stinger team & you see pattern setting, you set up the ambush to throw the missile down the throat of the heli. If there’s an IR Jammer it’ll be to the rear. Max vulnerability from front sector 8/

8. #Ukraine #NFZ

MANPADs shot is on the nose, and close range. Giving the pilot no chance of evasion or decoy w/ flares. Looks like a good ambush set up. And not an opportunity shot. 9/

9. #Ukraine #NFZ

Hard to say type of MANPADs? We know UKR is being sent thousands of FIM-92 Stingers which (if serviceable) have superior counter, counter measures (flare rejection). No flares ejected here. Shot-to-impact was less than 1sec. A nightmare for the crew 10/

10. #Ukraine #NFZ

Why do I know this? I was a Tactics/Weapons Instructor teaching all UK mil heli pilots how to evade ground and air threats in combat zones. From IR to Radar guided air-to- air and ground-to air-threats. 11/

11. #Ukraine #NFZ

This next shoot down you can’t see the MANPADs, but the trajectory of the ac indicates a shoot down (in my experience).

12. #Ukraine #NFZ

From these wreckage photos, this ac can be identified as an Su-34. Again. Would be useful to get-locate. 13/

13. #Ukraine #NFZ

Pilots ejected. Condition of pilots I’m unaware of. 14/

14. #Ukraine #NFZ

I initially thought these were flares ejected by the Su-34 pilot. But they burn for too long. So my best suggestion is fragments from engine of the ac. 15/

#Ukraine #NFZ

Summary: as more MANPADs flood into UKR from the West, especially FIM-92 Stinger, these occurrences will become more frequent. As a former assault heli pilot/instructor, this threat is a nightmare for RU aircrews. History tells us morale/efficacy will plummet.

16. #Ukraine #NFZ

Seeing videos purportedly of the Su-34 crew (2) that were shot down (see thread above). One pilot survived, one killed (footage of dead pilot I won’t post). While the pilots were out to kill, I’m encouraged to see UKR forces seemingly applying PoW status.

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