Prof. Christina Pagel Profile picture
Prof Operational Research @UCL_CORU, health care, women in STEM. Member of @independentsage. chrischirp at bluesky.

Mar 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Quick THREAD on current Covid situation in UK

TLDR: cases, hospitalisations and deaths going down everywhere except Scotland where all are going up. BUT admissions going up last few days in England too.


Prevalence from ONS infection survey shows that it's falling everywhere *except* Scotland where it's going up quickly.

ALL nations are still much higher than at any point pre Omicron. 2/8

Hospitalisations show exactly the same pattern with Scotland going up sharply.

While overall deaths within 28 days in UK are still falling, in Scotland they have started rising again.

Scottish cases increases have been in older adults H/T @PaulMainwood 3/8

In England, prevalence is still going down in all regions apart from the SW. Recent drops driven by kids - prevalence in older adults has barely changed & boosters are waning.

Hospital admissions are going up last few days - driven by older adults, mainly in SW & London. 4/8

The Omicron subvariant BA.2 is definitely dominant in England and NI and most likely in Scotland and v soon in Wales. In England, it's highest in London and SW.

No vax difference for BA.1 or BA.2 but even boosters wane quite fast against Omicron (mostly infection but hosp) 5/8

Latest ONS Long Covid data is in too with infections in December now added. We see overall increase, especially high in adults 20-50 yrs reflecting Dec Omicron surge.

2/3 report some impact on daily life, 685K have had it > 1 year.

Some professions at high risk of exposure 6/8

Recently, ONS also published long covid report on school children. 1% & 2.7% of *all* primary & secondary school kids fulfilled all criteria for long covid. *before* the massive surges since Dec.
That is a lot of children. See also this thread: 7/8

It's not clear what is happening in Scotland - prob combo of waning vax, fewer mitigations, rising BA.2 and less previous infection than e.g. England.

Also not clear whether England & Wales will follow (NI has had its BA.2 wave).… 8/8

PS thanks as ever to Bob Hawkins for his help in getting the charts ready every week!

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