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🇨🇦 Canadian First. Real Estate, Financial Analytics, Gov’t Policy, Historical Archivist, blue sky: @jasononthedrums.bsky.social

Mar 5, 2022, 14 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵

This week had a MASSIVE number of bad news for the @UCPCaucus:

🪨- Kenney STILL gives a path for open pit mines! (Story #1)

🤦🏻‍♂️- Critics BLAST Kenney for attacking a private citizen! (#10)

💪 - UCP Insiders fight Kenney! (#12)

Here’s 12 REALLY bad news stories!

#Ableg News 🧵

1. Despite THOUSANDS of signatures, Kenney still allowed 3 major coal pit projects (Grassy Mountain, Tent Mountain, Vista Expansion) to proceed to the land use phase

Despite this - a LONG regulatory process remains ahead federally and they may not be approved 🤞

#Ableg News 🧵

2.UCP Health Minister Jason Copping sent an order to AHS to lift COVID-19 vaccination mandate for front line staff

Multiple experts warn its completely unnecessarily endangers vulnerable patients. may infect patients in their care, and is “unethical” & “immoral”

#Ableg News 🧵

3. A MAJOR reason Kenney claimed he was moving to zero restrictions was that Covid-19 vaccines didn’t stop the transition of covid

However…a recent medical study shows us Kenney isn’t exactly being truthful… 🤥

(Credit @ByJamesKeller)


#Ableg News 🧵

4. Alberta's ambulance performance and response times have SIGNIFICANTLY worsened since the start of the pandemic

Ambulance red alerts (0 available ambulances)  increased from 57/month (2019) to 558 (2020).

The new average is 200/month (2021)


#Ableg News 🧵

5. Critics demand answers from Kenney regarding his inappropriate comments about the invasion of Ukraine - and trying to peddle Alberta’s oil!

Kenney REFUSED to answer any questions from reporters as to why he said it.

#Ableg News 🧵

6. Kenney is still dealing with the fallout from reinstating UCP MLA Madu back to cabinet.

An investigation proved @KayceeMaduYEG attempted to interfere with the administration of justice while minister…he just failed and not able to get away with it.

#Ableg News 🧵

Speaking of…

7. Numerous law experts say UCP MLA @shandro was obligated to refuse his appointment to justice minister while he is under investigation by the Alberta Law Society of Alberta and that Kenney’’s cabinet shuffle puts the society in a bad situation!

#Ableg News 🧵


8. Kenney is silently rolling back taxes on some types of tobacco products by 66%, which will potentially reduce the province's revenue by $10,000,000.

The reason?

Kenney actually claimed it’s so we can be “competitive to Saskatchewan”! 🤔

#Ableg News 🧵

9. In one of the most STUNNING power grabs as Premier, Kenney said the UCP is taking away the right of municipalities to impose their own local public health bylaws to force his no masking agenda.

Multiple municipalities said they will file a Charter challenge

#Ableg News 🧵

In a new low for @jkenney

10. MULTIPLE condemnations for Kenney after he attacked a private citizen & U of A professor

On Thursday, Kenney posted a screen shot of a @UbakaOgbogu tweet to Kenney's Facebook page…and falsely calling him an “NDP law professor”

#Ableg News 🧵

Remember Story #1?

11. UCP MLA and Kenney’s right hand man Jason Nixon reflection chances are in TROUBLE!

Many UCP members in his area are dead set against his work to secretly approve the coal expansion and have backed a new candidate.

#Ableg News 🧵


12. A UCP group called “Take Alberta Back” is leading an effort to oust Kenney… and gaining MAJOR support ahead of next month’s leadership vote.

An insider said “We know Jason Kenney cheats. He's under RCMP investigation right now for cheating,”

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