Babak Taghvaee - Μπάπακ Τακβαίε - بابک تقوایی Profile picture
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Mar 5, 2022, 8 tweets

#BREAKING: A fighter jet of #RussianAirForce was shot down by #UkrainianArmy near #Chernihiv at 11:30 local time. It is a Su-34 strike bomber. Both pilot and navigator ejected and are survived.

#BREAKING: Video recorded 45 minutes ago shows the pilot and navigator of the downed Su-34 strike bomber of #RussianAirForce after ejection from their burning aircraft.

Pilot of the Su-34 strike bomber of #RussianAirForce which was shot-down by #UkrainianArmy is now captured. He is overweight. Something common among Su-24 and Su-34 strike bomber pilots.

Poor navigator lost his life. I have a footage showing him having massive head injury under his flight helpmet possibly caused by impact to the canopy or something else. The airplane was rolling when they ejected.

Pilot of the downed Su-34 strike bomber of #RussianAirForce is a #Syrian war veteran. He served in 47th Independent Composite Aviation Regiment at #Voronezh.

I was told that the pilot of the downed Su-34 strike bomber of #RussianAirForce in #Chernihiv is commander of the 1st Aviation Squadron of the 47th Bomber Aviation Regiment.

Here is wreckage of the downed Su-34 of #RussianAirForce in #Chernihiv. The aircraft in question had 24 Red tactical number.

Here are the iron bombs of the aircraft which didn't explode luckily due to the fact their fuze was not activiated by the pilot and his navigator.

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