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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Mar 6, 2022, 9 tweets

#SeditionHunters know the Capitol attack was organized. The J6 Committee knows too. Rep. Zoe Lofgren: "There was a planning. There was a purpose. And we are going to uncover all of that." Consider - if the attack had succeeded, how world events might be unfolding now... 1/

There are too many links between the Capitol attack & Ukraine. From Russia this week: Maria Butina, convicted foreign agent, honeypot with ties to J6 figures, now a Duma Rep, shows how to draw the fascist "Z" on your jacket to support invading Ukraine..2/

Maria Butina famously seduced Patrick Byrne, faithful henchman for former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Here's Byrne at Flynn's side at the 'dry run' rally in DC on Dec 12. Six days later, both men were in the Oval Office pushing Trump to green-light Jan 6. 3/

Butina & Byrne's back-stories are in our "VIP Timeline" that tracks the influencers who gathered the crowds in DC for Jan 6. Butina was deported late 2019, quickly took a job at Russian media outlet RT, a main source of pro-invasion propaganda now. 4/…

Russian outlets RT, Sputnik News are all over the timeline, often providing the first 'journalism' jobs for the J6 influencers. UW Prof. Kate Starbird has shown the same outlets were central to propaganda on Syria, along with Russia Insider & Mint Press, also connected to J6. 5/

Russian media actively promoted white supremacist movements in the US. Sputnik News hired far-right influencer Cassandra Fairbanks; Russia Insider supported the neo-Nazi Identity Evropa group - whose leader was at the Capitol on J6, as was RI's editor. 6/…

Mint Press shows up as a timeline source: 3 weeks after Jan 6, Dan Cohen (formerly RT), published an article pushing the Oath Keepers as responsible - & drawing attention away from the Proud Boys who led the attack. Cohen is now posting about Ukraine... 7/…

Here's Dan Cohen of Russia-associated Mint Press mocking Ukraine's President Zelenskyy & his army. Cohen's pinned Tweet is a thread lauding an anti-vaxx rally and the "global medical freedom movement": another big theme in the divisive disinfo being pushed onto the US. 8/

In case Cohen's intent wasn't clear, here he is on Mar 6 calling Ukrainians "Nazi[s] and jihadist[s]", and linking them to Colombian death squads. The US is a proud bastion of free speech - but we must now decide how to combat the paid disinfo tearing us apart. 9/

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