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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Mar 8, 2022, 15 tweets

#SeditionHunters - we told everyone that conspiracy charges would come for some not physically present at the Jan 6 Capitol attack. And now they're here - Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio has been charged. 1/…

Tarrio wasn't in DC on the 6th because he was arrested for an old offense, told to leave. That arrest has always been odd. We know Jan 6 was green-lit the night of Dec. 18th. Just before, Tarrio reached out to multiple media outlets to confess a crime...2/…

The indictment is an excellent read - it carefully lays the case for conspiracy via timeline, showing how events follow each other. On Dec. 19, the first announcements for Jan 6 go out. On Dec. 20, Tarrio makes an encrypted chat for Proud Boys leaders. 3/…

Just as a reminder, Enrique Tarrio, chairman of the Proud Boys, is a protege of Roger Stone - picture is them together in 2018. Joe Biggs, who led the Proud Boys march on Jan 6, is a former employee of Alex Jones at InfoWars. 4/…

The indictment follows the timeline we had worked out, with some bombshell additions. The first: on Dec. 30, Tarrio receives a 9-page plan for the Capitol attack from an unnamed person. They all know this is big, serious: Donohoe calls it a "completely different operation". 5/

Tarrio continues self-protective CYA, refusing to be specific about plans "until Jan 4", & ostentatiously leaves a voice message Jan 4 morning saying that he had, oh! only just heard now that someone might want to storm the Capitol! That's a man considering his legal exposure. 6/

2nd bombshell: Tarrio was still working with PB leaders. We knew that after the arrest, other leaders created a new encrypted chat, fearing Tarrio's was watched. Now we know: on Jan 5th eve. Tarrio was added to the NEW chat, & Biggs, Tarrio discuss the plans they'd been given. 7/

Proud Boy messages on the 6th are also informative. As the gathered PBs march around the Capitol in the morning, Donohoe texts "WE ARE WITH 200-300 PBs". #SeditionHunters had counted 235 of them. 8/

The new indictment adds more PB texts, making it even more clear: Proud Boys leaders were commenting on the action as it unfolded, and Tarrio was following. Look at the timing of actions (red) and messages (yellow) during the main attack period. Every advance gets a text. 9/

One surprise: Tarrio's mention of the Rayburn (House) office building. We'd thought something bad might be planned for the Russell (Senate) office building, because OAN (not news but propaganda) was set up there. This post is 2:09 PM, just as invaders took the NW stairs. 10/

The new details from Tarrio's indictment are added to the 'VIP timeline', not yet to other docs in See those timelines for video links, tho. All are crowdsourced efforts by 100s of volunteers in the #SeditionHunters community. 11/…

Update: Tarrio arrested this morning in Miami, at his father's house: early AM, FBI agents hid in the bushes, then swarmed the house, put Tarrio in handcuffs - fully naked. See NBC Miami article for video; pic here is after they let him get dressed. 12/…

Tarrio is such a public figure in Miami that new coverage should be great; just a reminder now of his deep connections. Here he is with Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle in 2019, from the FB of his fellow Latinos for Trump leader Bianca Gracia. (h/t @AuntBeethe1st). 13/

On Dec. 12, just before the 'dress rehearsal' rally in DC, Gracia and Tarrio both got a tour of the White House. Gracia's well-connected herself - her son interned for Jody Hice, R-GA. On Jan 6, the line between attacker and attacked was very blurry. 14/…

Two minor corrections: 1) it's Proud Boy Rehl, not Donohoe, who calls Jan 6 a 'completely different operation' (h/t @visionsurreal). 2) some claim Tarrio was not fully naked when arrested (watch). Life hack: if under investigation by FBI, wear PJs. 15/

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