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Strengthening bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Mar 8, 2022, 6 tweets

πŸ”΄ ACT NOW: Stop the U.N.'s Assault on Israel

@SenatorCardin and @senrobportman are leading a letter urging the Biden admin to stop the UN's outrageous Inquiry of Israel and demonstrate America's commitment to our ally.

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The letter urges Secretary of State Antony Blinken to lead a multinational effort to end the unjust Commission of Inquiry targeting our ally Israel.

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This letter is key to urging the administration to demonstrate its commitment to our democratic ally and eliminate the unjust Commission of Inquiry against the Jewish state.

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Israel is the only country that has a standing agenda item at the UNHRC dedicated to it.

Now the UNHRC has established a new permanent body to ensure ongoing reports that constantly investigate and denounce our ally.

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From the @SenatorCardin @senrobportman letter:

"The mandate made no mention of the 4,300 lethal rockets fired by #Hamas toward Israeli civilians in a matter of days and no mention of Israel’s right to defend itself."

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"This one-sided approach is consistent with UNHRC’s continuing bias against Israel and the disproportionate use of resources in an ongoing campaign to disparage, discredit and denounce Israel."

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