Trent Telenko Profile picture
Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

Mar 9, 2022, 7 tweets

Alright Ladies & Gentlemen, we are going to have a round of "Mud, Blood & Truck Medical Supply Chains" as we look at the casualty implications of the break down of Russian Truck Logistics in Ukraine. 🧵

First, I'm going to pull some modern warfare casualty ratios from the book UNDERSTANDING WAR.

20 out of 100 troops hit in combat are killed IMMEDIATELY

65/100 survive wounds w/o much care.

15/100 need medical care to survive


Modern late 20th-early 21st century war w/tanks artillery and planes has a death to casualty ratio of 1-to-4.

This requires modern trauma care, which is "non-trivial." It requires a supply chain with fresh whole blood & hemostatic dressings.…

The following link and text are a deep dive into Trauma care from the CDC's "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" (MMWR)

Injury Prevention, Violence Prevention, and Trauma Care: Building the Scientific Base
October 7, 2011 / 60(04);78-85…

For the 15 of 100 who are seriously injured, getting to a medical facility in 1 hour is critical to increase survival from a less than 5 of 15 to 12 of 15.

The contested air situation in Ukraine means there are little to no helicopter medical evacuation available.

The corruption of the Russian is such that there are going to be few/no Hemostatic Dressings in the Russian combat medical system, no safe areas & few trucks to evacuate Russian frontline casualties to Belarus or Russia.

This means that Russian casualties in Ukraine are much closer to a 1-to-3 ratio than 1-to-4 most military analysts are using.

That is, less than 5 of the 15 seriously wounded Russians are surviving because they are not getting to modern medical trauma care in time.


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