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Mar 9, 2022, 8 tweets

#BREAKING 1,207 civilians died in 9-day Russian siege of Ukraine's Mariupol: mayor

#BREAKING Ukraine's Zelensky calls Mariupol hospital bombing 'war crime'

#BREAKING IMF board approves $1.4 bn in 'critical' support for Ukraine

#UPDATE An apparent Russian air strike destroyed a children's hospital in the besieged Ukrainian port of Mariupol on Wednesday, triggering renewed global outrage two weeks into Moscow's invasion of its ex-Soviet neighbour

The war with Russia has sparked a health crisis in Ukraine, the World Health Organization warned Wednesday, decrying at least 18 verified attacks on health care facilities and personnel

As the crisis worsens in Ukraine, humanitarian and security aid is flowing into the country, but financial support to keep the government running is also critical
✍️ @DelphineTouitou

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on Wednesday called on the entire G7 to ban Russia oil imports, saying the world's leading economies should "go further and faster" in punishing Moscow for invading Ukraine

@DelphineTouitou The Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers will Thursday hold face-to-face talks in southern Turkey in the first high-level contact between Kyiv and Moscow since Russia invaded its neighbour two weeks ago

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