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Mar 10, 2022, 8 tweets

🧵1. Until when will you be able to get a #Pfizer #COVID19 jab in SA?

Most likely only until July 31st, says @HealthZA. After that only #JnJ will be available.

Why? SA has received all the doses it's procured from Pfizer and the last batch expires on July 31.

2. How many #COVID19 jabs has SA received?

Total: 60,6 million

- #Pfizer: 39,272,220 (this includes US donations and jabs we got via #Covax)
- #JnJ: 21,333,840 (we also got 500,000 for #Sisonke1 + 250,00 for #Sisonke2)

Full story: bit.ly/3CuMGeI

3. How many of the jabs #VaccineRolloutSA has received has been distributed? (Distributed = they've been transported to provinces. All distributed shots have not necessarily been used yet.)

-#Pfizer: 66% of received jabs = distributed
-#JnJ: 42% of received jabs = distributed

5. How many #COVID19 jabs have made it into people's arms?

Of the jabs = distributed to provinces, 92% (32,027 146 of 34,965,340 distributed doses) had made it into people’s arms by March 6.

So of the 60.6-million doses that SA had received by then, 53% had been used.

6. How many people in SA who had received a 1st #Pfizer shot by March 6 had returned for a 2nd one?

77%, says @HealthZA.

Full story: bit.ly/3CuMGeI

7. How many #COVID19 jabs have gone to waste in SA?

- 1.4% of the shots we've received
#Pfizer = 418,380
#JnJ = 48,755
Total = 467,135
- @HealthZA says the international waste norm = 5% or below

Full story (check out the interactive graph about wastage): bit.ly/3CuMGeI

8. What is #VaccineRollOutSA doing 2 prevent jabs from expiring?

1. Waiting periods between doses = reduced in the hope that more people will return 4 next doses
2. Gov = talking 2 Covax/AU 2 swop doses 4 jabs with later expiry
3. 100s of CHWs = sent 2 areas with low uptake

9. Read my and @LauraJGrant's full story about when #VaccineRollOut's #Pfizer jabs will expire.

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