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Mar 10, 2022, 9 tweets

#BREAKING European Central Bank holds key interest at record lows: statement

#UPDATE The European Central Bank has held interest rates at record lows and vowed a flexible end to its bond-buying stimulus scheme, as the eurozone braces for the impact of the Ukraine war and soaring inflation

#UPDATE The European Central Bank has slashed its growth forecast for 2022 to 3.7 percent from 4.2 percent previously predicted, as it expected a recovery to be slowed down by the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on the eurozone economy

#UPDATE The European Central Bank has also "significantly" lifted its inflation forecasts on the back of sky-high energy prices and uncertainty over the war in Ukraine

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#BREAKING Russia's Ukraine war 'will negatively affect' eurozone economy: Lagarde

#UPDATE Russia's war on Ukraine has "substantially" increased the risks to the eurozone economy and will have a negative impact on growth, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde warned Thursday

#UPDATE The European Central Bank on Thursday sped up its plans to wind down its bond-buying programme but gave itself time before raising interest rates, as the conflict in Ukraine clouded the outlook for the eurozone

#UPDATE The European Central Bank is "exploring" monetary tools to support Ukraine and its people, president Christine Lagarde said Thursday, listing foreign-currency swap lines as one example to shield the nation from the impact of Russia's invasion

VIDEO: Russia's war on Ukraine 'will negatively affect' the eurozone economy and will have a negative impact on growth, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde warns

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