@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Mar 11, 2022, 9 tweets

So finally got around to plugging in #tether's Dec 2021 attestation numbers. So their non-token debt is now up to 57m which means their net assets are down to $137m imagine having 80Billion in assets and still having to borrow money each quarter to fund operations....

oh and the increase in debt between quarters is $41m which just happens to be the fine #tether copped.

tomorrow i'll publish the link to the financials.

As promised. 12 months of #tether. Link to google sheet >>> bit.ly/3Kzkjz2

I ended up stripping the doc back to make it as clean as possible. What it does include is a pretty neat dataset of USDT and XAUT for CY2021 scraped from tether's transparency page saved by wayback machine.

There's a link to an older googlesheet with USDT scraped data from 2015 through to 2021. That's how I was able to pinpoint the $100m repayment from Bitfinex to Tether...back in July 2019.

But the thing that got me scratching my head the most....firstly because I don't remember coming across it before (but my notes tell me otherwise).
But mostly because it has never got much traction across the rhelms of tether truthers...

I'm out of time today so I'm just going to throw out this screen shot to see what comes back.

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