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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #JoinAUnion #GTTO Views are mine & NOT my employer's.

Mar 12, 2022, 9 tweets


Since their inception in 1834, the Tory Party has used a tried & tested formula to win votes.

Unless & until politicians take responsibility for exposing & confronting this con-trick, & offer people a positive alternative, we'll be stuck with the cruel & corrupt Tories.

The Tory strategy:

Form an alliance with the very rich, & represent their interests.

Keep house prices artificially inflated by not building enough homes.

Give press barons, corporate lobbyists, & free-market think tanks untrammelled access to, & influence over, Government.

Promise lower taxes by defunding, cutting, privatising, or outsourcing the essential public services needed for a decent society.

Sell off publicly owned assets, often built up over centuries, to private interests, transferring public wealth to their rich funders & supporters.

Divide & rule by using populist nationalist rhetoric & by demonising & scapegoating groups unlikely to support them: poor, vulnerable, & disabled people; young people; certain minorities; public sector workers; activists; union members; academics; migrants/foreigners; & the Left.

The tried & tested Tory political strategy:

How did we get here?

Forty years of unhindered, globalised, deregulatory free-market capitalism, which has seen an unprecedented transfer of power & unimaginable wealth, from poor to rich.

It may already be too late to halt & then reverse it.

Here's another #THREAD showing what a hateful, cruel, ignorant & barbaric little country Britain has become, which compares how successive British Govts have gone about crime & justice, with an emphasis on prison & rehabilitation, in contrast with Norway.

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