Dr. Malinda S. Smith Profile picture
Associate Vice President Research EDI; Poli Sci. Books:The Equity Myth; Nuances of Blackness in Canadian Academy; Critical Concepts. @GapDiversity #BlackAlberta

Mar 12, 2022, 9 tweets

How do we ensure CDN #highered not create/reinforce inequities among equity-deserving groups?

Feds launching major review of Employment Equity Act

‘We have an opportunity to make the kinds of changes that will result in more fair and equal opportunities for everyone to succeed’

What should I say to the Employment Equity Act Review Task Force?
Is there a basic literacy about EE, what’s happening, not happening (why), need for equity action? Any accountability?

Task Force on the Employment Equity Act Review Canada.ca

We need accountability. There’s resistance to basic compliance, let alone anything substantive, transformative:

Backgrounder: Employment Equity Act Review Task Force: Canada canada.ca/en/employment-…

Task Force on the Employment Equity Act Review: Canada canada.ca/en/employment-…

We do need to counter the despair, the cynicism, the harm of inequities. There are opportunities for input

Share your views: Employment Equity Act Review Consultation: Canada canada.ca/en/employment-…

Task Force on the Employment Equity Act Review: Canada canada.ca/en/employment-…

Share your views: Employment Equity Act Review Consultation: Canada.

Background materials online for review. Be mindful of complacency, cynicism. I’ve already seen some call for return to myth of neutrality, a rejection of Employment Equity. They’re wrong canada.ca/en/employment-…

Employment Equity Review Act—Policy brief 1: Defining and expanding equity groups

How to define and modernize the Employment Equity Act’s designated groups?
•“Aboriginal peoples”
•persons with disabilities
•members of visible minorities canada.ca/en/employment-…

Brief cèdes too much

Policy brief 2:Better supporting equity groups
“A core objective of the Act is to help recognize and remove barriers to employment faced by designated groups and to adopt measures to correct their underrepresentation in the workplace” canada.ca/en/employment-…

How we go wrong. Framing of the case for Employment Equity: Surely the “business case” rests on inviolability of human rights and dignity?


Policy brief 3: Accountability, compliance, enforcement and public reporting of employment equity canada.ca/en/employment-…

No to
👎🏾privileging single group
👎🏼to one-size-fits-all
👍🏿Intersectionality matters

Annex-Policy Brief 2:Barriers to employment equity for equity groups under the fed jurisdiction
• Systemic or common barriers– Summ
• How the barriers affect each group

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