Roger Wilco Profile picture

Mar 12, 2022, 8 tweets

@pfizer Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Executive VP and “Change Agent” Lidia Fonseca (@TEGNA @WGRZ Board Director on Audit and Leadership and Development Committees) spoke recently at an #AI #ArtificialIntelligence symposium, where she outlined the AI-future of healthcare:

In December, I covered the subject of the shift and future of medicine towards “personalized” medicine via genetic sequencing and gene therapies and editing. Fonseca’s statements at this symposium confirm this as TRUE, thanks to the introduction of the $25b Pfizer #CovidVaccine:

Gene therapies, digital therapies, mRNA vaccines, biologics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, virtual trials, and a blood lust for profit and a history of fraud and bribes.

What could go wrong?

And for some people who claim Fonseca is just a “rando Board Member” of TEGNA, she makes no bones about crediting her strategy and implementation of digital programs at Pfizer for the speed at which the mRNA vaccine was developed: 269 days. Tell Wall Street Fonseca is a rando.

Pfizer launched websites in more than 90 countries to communicate critical vaccine info to parents and HCW. No problem there. Just another facet of the massive vaccine propaganda operation:

Added reading: Pfizer pipeline, chock-full of mRNA vaccines, gene therapies and biologics.

@wgrzMichael please fact check this thread for me.

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