Dr. Malinda S. Smith Profile picture
Associate Vice President Research EDI; Poli Sci. Books:The Equity Myth; Nuances of Blackness in Canadian Academy; Critical Concepts. @GapDiversity #BlackAlberta

Mar 13, 2022, 6 tweets

Lovely day outdoors despite the rare grey skies. Fantastic weather for a long trek with one of my good pals and the pup. We started at the Peace Bridge (designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava), and traversed many of the pathways and bridges along the Bow River. #yyc

So many exquisite sites along the Bow River. When I first moved to Calgary I lived in the Eau Claire neighbourhood and loved it, especially proximity to the Bow and good urban trails, great cafés and restaurants.

The sky, cloud formation, river and afternoon sun and light were all spectacular. #yyc

Some fabulous views of the downtown Calgary skyline from various spots around the Bow River. #yyc

Another fabulous vista of downtown Calgary from along the Bow River pathway. Best to be on the pathways, walking, running, cycling, scootering, etc., to fully take in the vista. The beauty, not fully visible from the road, forces one to stop in one’s tracks, take it all in. #yyc

On memory and commemoration: How many times have I past and not notice this, SOLACE, along Poppy Plaza? One has to raise one’s eyes to the sky. #yyc

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