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Mar 13, 2022, 5 tweets

#OTD Mar 13, 1914: James Reese Europe says his Clef Club Symphony Orchestra has the best Black musicians in NYC: “we colored people have our own music that is a part of us. It’s the product of our souls. It’s been created by the sufferings & miseries of our race.

#OTD Mar 13, 1914 James Reese Europe, ragtime & jazz bandleader, arranger & composer, explains his Clef Club Symphony Orchestra as having the best Black musicians in NYC. When he joined the 15th Regiment & the WW I military band in the 1910s history was made.

“The Jazz germ hit them and it seemed to find the vital spot. Loosening all muscles and causing what is known in American as an eagle rocking it”

#OTD Mar 13, 1914: James Reese Europe explains his Clef Club Symphony Orchestra has the best Black musicians in NYC.
#History #Jazz

“We won France by playing music which was ours & not a pale imitation of others. If we are to develop in America, we must develop along our own lines”

#OTD Mar 13, 1914: James Reese Europe says his Clef Club Symphony Orchestra has the best Black musicians in NYC.
#History #Jazz

“Ragtime may be Negro music, but it is American Negro music, more alive than other American music & Europe was one of the Americans who was contributing most to its development”

#OTD Mar 13, 1914: James Reese Europe says Clef Club Symphony Orchestra best Black musicians

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