Trent Telenko Profile picture
Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

Mar 14, 2022, 7 tweets

This is the single most important logistical map for this latest Russian invasion of Ukraine.

If other Ukraine military situation maps do not include rail lines like this.

They are misinforming you.

When the Ukrainians announced the destruction of a Russian force of 200 vehicles and he destruction of a headquarters in Melitopol.

It means the rail head at Melitopol and those Russian advanced lines going north & east from there are in grave peril

...because a Ukrainian Army unit of at least Brigade size is sitting on their lines of communications.

Kyiv _IS NOT_ cut off from rail resupply from NATO.

The Ukrainian forces at the Donbas _ARE NOT_ cut off from major resupply.

This 'minimalist' Putin Regime strategic territorial objective in Ukraine is nowhere near reality.


Returning to the Ukrainian raid at Melitopol, It isn't a true surprise.

Nor are any of the others including the Kherson rocket artillery kill of 30 Russian helicopters

It is Gen Zobrodskyi's 2014 Donbas raiding doctrine executed Ukrainian Army wide

Gen Zobrodskyi's raids in 2014 saved the Ukrainian Army, twice.

Phil Karber walks you through them a this link.


It is the Zobrodskyi Raiding doctrine that Ukraine is repeatedly using to cut off the tentacles of Russian advance by shattering Russian Army logistics over and over again.

Give that Karber link a listen and you will understand the patterns of The Ukraine War.


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