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Listening requires a certain skill set. Knowledge is power. Class is always in session. Come prepared. Very low tolerance for conscientious stupidity.

Mar 14, 2022, 6 tweets

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 - Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist & human rights activist. She was an outspoken critic of police brutality & extrajudicial killings and paid for it with her life.

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 - Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist & human rights activist. She was an outspoken critic of police brutality & extrajudicial killings and her views led to her murder.

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 - Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist & human rights activist. She was an outspoken critic of police brutality & extrajudicial killings and her views led to her murder.

“When the lives of Black women become important the world will be transformed”

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 -Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist, activist & outspoken critic of police. It led to her murder.

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 - Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist, human rights activist & outspoken critic of police brutality to Black Brazilians and the LGBTQ community. It led to her murder.

#OTD Marielle Franco was assassinated (July 27, 1979 - Mar 14, 2018). Brazilian politician, sociologist, feminist, socialist, activist & outspoken critic of police brutality which led to her murder.

Marielle Presente by Catarina Domenici - A tribute to Marielle Franco

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