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Mar 14, 2022, 25 tweets

Here's a (partial) guide on how to identify Russian military Air Defense losses in Ukraine. It will be a two part series, focusing on the Tor and Buk systems respectively.

This is part two, Buk.


Russian Air Defense systems are usually composed of smaller units/sub-systems, Buk is no different. From my understanding, its combat vehicle can work independently if need be, but it usually does not. I will focus on battalion-level Buk systems.


Buk variants (or a part of them) that are known to be active in Ukraine are:

- 9K37M1 Buk-M1

- 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2

- 9K317 Buk-M2

- 9K317M Buk-M3


<9K37M1 Buk-M1>

A Buk-M1 battalion with three batteries consists of the following sub-systems:

- 9М38M1 missiles;
- 9A310M1 TELAR;
- 9A39M1 TEL;
- 9S18M1(-1) Search and Acquisition Radar;
- 9S470M1 BN C2


<Buk-M1, 9A310M1 TELAR>

Attributes of the 9A310M1 TELAR are:

- 6 road wheels;
- 9S35(M1) Fire Dome fire control and engagement radar;
- 9М38M1 missiles (4x).

This TELAR is in service with Ukraine and Russia. A Russian-fired 9M38M1 missile was used to down MH17 in 2014


<Buk-M1, 9A39M1 TEL>

Attributes of the 9A39M1 TELAR are:

- 6 roadwheels;
- In case it's a TEL for Buk-M1 it's armed with 9М38M1 missiles (8x, 4x ready-to-fire).


<Buk-M1, 9S18M1(-1) radar>

- 6 roadwheels;
- fairly generic looking search radar, nothing fancy to be frank.
- I don't know how to differentiate the 9S18M1 and 9S18M1-1...Any input is welcome for this.


<Buk-M1, 9S470M1 Battalion command post>

- 6 road wheels;
- Mast for communication with 9S18M1(-1) and other brigade and battalion-level assets;
- Generic C2 vehicle look.


<9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2>

A Buk-M1-2 consists of the following sub-systems:

- 9М38M1 or 9M317 missiles;
- 9A310M1-2 TELAR;
- 9A39M1 TEL;
- 9S18M1(-1 or -2) Search and Acquisition Radar;
- 9S470M1(-2) BN C2.


<Buk-M1-2, 9A310M1-2 TELAR>

- 6 road wheels;
- 9S35(M1) Fire Dome fire control and engagement radar;
- 9М38M1 or 9M317 missiles (4x).

A general rule of thumb should be, if you see a TELAR with a Fire Dome radar and with 9M317 missiles, know it's a 9A310M1-2 of Buk-M1-2.


<Buk-M1-2, 9A39M1 TEL>

From my understanding, Buk-M1-2 uses the same TEL as Buk-M1. I suspect the 9A39M1 TEL can manipulate and handle both 9M38M1 and the modern 9M317 missiles.

Here are the two missiles side-by-side. 9M38M1 (pic 1) has longer canard surfaces.


<Buk-M1-2, 9S18M1(-1 or -2) and 9S470M1(-2)>

I can't find jack on these. I'm uncertain if the 9S18M1-2 and 9S470M1-2 even exist for Buk-M1-2. If they do, I highly doubt they look much different from the original 9S18M1 and 9S470M1 of Buk-M1.


<9K317 Buk-M2>

A Buk-M2 consists of the following sub-systems:

- 9M317 missiles;
- 9A317 TELAR;
- 9A316 TEL;
- 9S18M1(-2 or -3?) Search and Acquisition Radar;
- 9S36 illumination and engagement Radar;
- 9S510 BN C2.


<Buk-M2, 9A317 TELAR>

Attributes of the 9A317 TELAR are:

- 6 road wheels;
- 9S36 fire control and engagement radar;
- 9A317 missiles (4x).

The older mechanically steered 9S35 is replaced with the more modern 9S36!!


<Buk-M2, 9A316 TEL>

I cannot for the life of me find psychical differences between 9A316 TEL of Buk-M2 and the 9A39M1 TEL of Buk-M1-2. Both look identical and handle 9M317 missiles. Pictured are 9A316 TEL of Buk-M2.


<Buk-M2, 9S18M1(-2 or -3?)>

I've seen this radar system be referred to as both 9S18M1-2 and 9S18M-3. I am not sure what sets it apart externally from 9S18M1(-1)


<Buk-M2, 9S36>

As you've read before, the 9A317 TELAR of Buk-M2 has a 9S36 radar for fire control and engagement. Within Buk-M2 a stand-alone, mast mounted, 9S36 was introduced. It's to engage low-flying targets. It's a generic 6-wheeled chassis with a 21-meter mast.


<Buk-M2, 9S510 BN C2>

Previous Buk systems has 9S470M1-series, Buk-M2 introduced the more modern 9S510. I've seen it sometimes be referred to as 9S470M1-2... so yeah.

It's near identical externally to the 9S470M1-series.


<9K317M Buk-M3>

A Buk-M3 consists of the following sub-systems, and everything is very distinct:

- 9M317M missiles in canisters(!);
- 9A317M TELAR;
- 9A316M TEL;
- 9S18M1-3 Search and Acquisition Radar;
- 9S36M illumination and engagement Radar;
- 9S510M BN C2.


<Buk-M3, 9A317M TELAR>

Attributes of the 9A317M TELAR are:

- 7 road wheels;
- New fire control and engagement radar, I believe called S36M;
- 9M317M missiles (6x!).

This TELAR looks very distinct and different. You can't confuse it.


<Buk-M3, 9A316M TEL>

Attributes of the 9A316M TEL are:

- 7 road wheels;
- 9M317M-series missiles (8x!).

Again, very distinct and different, like most Buk-M3 systems.


<Buk-M3, 9S18M1-3>

Oh yeah, this one is good, very clear and distinct. It's attributes are:

- 7 road wheels;
- APU;
- Still very generic search radar shape, like previous 9S18M1-series.

At least one was lost in combat in Ukraine.


<Buk-M3, 9S36M>

Again, used for pesky low flying targets, like 9S36 in Buk-M2 system. Attributes are:

- 7 road wheels;
- improved 9S36(M) radar
- APU.


<Buk-M3, 9S510M>

Looks externally very much like a 9S510 or 9S470M1-series, but comes with 7 wheels and APU.


Please, correct me if I've made any mistakes and try fill in the gaps. Any and all input is welcome!

25/25, END

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