Clark Joe Profile picture
Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Mar 14, 2022, 13 tweets

It’s a new Monday with a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman references to the broad DC lore. Today is all about the scene White Portuguese in the 🧵 below, with a mini analysis at the end! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse.

First, we have Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne which looks similar (once more) to Bruce Wayne in Batman: The Animated Series (I think @KnightFleck spotted this one).

We also have Bruce and Alfred’s discussion on Bruce war on Superman (with the famous Dick Cheney’s quote). While not exactly the same, Alfred is the voice of reason when Batman and Demian Wayne fight in Injustice 2 #22 and #23.

Specially, there is a whole part of Alfred highlighting how Bruce thinks in very absolute terms (as Bruce is doing in #BatmanvSuperman).

And to finish, I wanted to go on a tangent with the part of the scene where Clark receives (unknowingly from Lex) the polaroids from a murdered and branded Cesar Santos with the titles Judge, Jury, Executioner (referring to Batman).

I find it interesting that both Judge and Executioner are Batman villains in the comics (and Judge also appears in Batman: The Animated Series and ends up being Harvey Dent). Batman is being painted as a villain in #BatmanvSuperman (and his actions justify being painted this way)

But two things about this. First, Lex paints him as an Executioner while this is definitely a lie. Yes, Batman does kill in the movie, but out of not caring and being reckless (as in the Batmobile chase). He is definitely not an Executioner (and definitely not of Cesar Santos).

This is part of Lex plan, to persuade Clark that as Superman he’s not doing enough in the Gotham situation and give him arguments to confront Batman.

The second point I want to make is that in the comics, Judge and Executioner are villains, and they reflect on how Batman cannot be that. Batman is the good guy, and these are the bad guys. Plain vanilla.

However, once we consider that a broken-down and beaten Batman could easily derail in the real world, the line between good and evil gets blurry (which is a big theme in #BvS), and it is even hard to take this in as part of the audience. How can my immaculate hero do this?

But again, one big point of the movie (for me at least), is that the real world is complicated, that is hard to judge choices because there is context, and everything gets discussed. And that in end, Men are still good. There is hope and redemption. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

Forgot to add another reference to this thread. I’ve been re-reading Detective Comics #33 and this is a good one!

Adding this #ZackSnyderisTheBlueprint moment to this thread. Amazing catch by @annihilator1729!

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