David Hamilton 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦 Profile picture
Scottish Information Commissioner -see @FOIScotland for official feed. Ex-cop and @scotspolfed chair, Aid worker & Treasurer @BeyondSrebrenica. Personal Account

Mar 14, 2022, 5 tweets

My first humanitarian convoy into Ukraine driving a shopping trolley with a Vat of soup!

.@RachelWatson27 and I serving soup to Ukrainian refugees in #Ukraine. As soon as the sun goes, it gets very very cold. Little tots out in freezing conditions. Some have walked from Lviv.

Its a huge queue of people but the #ngos are working so well together. We also took in another soup cooked by another charity and an enormous nox of pasta made byba sikh charity.

Most notable was the difference in atmosphere. People on Ukrainian side more anxious. But as they crossed the border to be met by freshly baked pizza was a treat. Well done Siobhan's Trust for that initiative.

And look who popped by!@RobbieRinder

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