COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group Profile picture
Continuing to share regular data and analysis on excess mortality and hospital admissions with Covid-19. Run by volunteers.

Mar 16, 2022, 5 tweets

Hospital admissions with COVID continue to increase rapidly across England. Up by 27% in the last week.

See below for a breakdown by region, age and primary diagnosis. Also bed occupancy and hospital deaths. 1/5

Admissions are up sharply in all English regions. The most rapid increase is NE and Yorks, up 52% week-on-week! Other regions are up by 21-26%. 2/5

Admissions with COVID are increasing at a similar rate in all age groups, with increases of 25-30% week-on-week. 3/5

Bed occupied by COVID patients are also increasing again, up 21% week-on-week. Mechanical Ventilation bed occupancy is stable though.

We’ll have an updated breakdown tomorrow between patients where COVID is the primary diagnosis and those where it isn’t.


Lastly, COVID deaths in English hospitals are no longer falling. After adjusting for estimated reporting delays, hospital deaths appear to have increased by 3% week-on-week. 5/5

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