Dr Murphy WeightLoss Profile picture
Board-certified: Internist, Obesity Med. Geneticist, RegenMed, Orthobiologist and DPC practice. Pro Paleo Doc! Author and Longevity Doc. using rapamycin etc.

Mar 16, 2022, 7 tweets

So it begins. We can’t afford to pay for citizen testing for the uninsured & @RepMcKinley @BillPascrell @HouseGOP @HouseDemocrats WON’T ENFORCE THE #CARESACT #FFCRA so Insurers will continue to stiff bills & premium paying patients will be used as human shields for COVID19 bills.

What country do we live in where those who can afford to pay stick the bill to those who can afford least to pay? So what happens to the test to treat debacle? It appears the uninsured are left to fend for themselves. And $CI wants to doctors to sue the patients! #caresAct #FFCRA

The wastewater is climbing, the government has left governed to fend for themselves? @EdGainesIII @drdanchoi @misterchambo @RepMcKinley @BillPascrell @FrankPallone @michaelcburgess It appears $CI $UNH $ANTM is in charge. They are violating law, so who will pay for the patients?

I hope & pray our government can get it together @JaymeStevenson I watched hours testimony & rules committee meetings of @FrankPallone & @michaelcburgess who said that tests & care would be covered. Instead it’s cancelled. No payments, no testing, no treating. Good Luck Citizens.

I can tell you, those undomiciled patients we tested w/ @NHPublicHealth were essential for safety of @cityofnewhaven Same is true for @CityofBptCT or @CityofStamford or even w/ @NYCMayor in Canarsie. We are dedicated to help those who needed it most. Can only wish Govt was too.

We must protect those who need it most. That is our duty as 🇺🇸 #Americans. That is our duty as #healthcareheroes Doctors, Nurses, PAs, NPs, RTs, PharmDs, Aides, Med Techs. We need @WHCOVIDResponse @HouseGOP @HouseDemocrats to channel their inner #healthcarehero #covid19

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