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Mar 17, 2022, 8 tweets

#BREAKING Russian-European Mars mission suspended over Ukraine war: ESA

#BREAKING At least 21 dead after Russian shelling of east Ukraine town: local officials

#BREAKING Ukraine asks Turkey to guarantee any deal with Russia, along with UN Security Council's five permanent members and Germany: Turkish foreign minister

#BREAKING Strongman Kadyrov says 'a thousand' Chechen volunteers headed to Ukraine to fight for Russia

#BREAKING Moscow regrets 'bitter' decision by ESA to suspend Russian-European Mars mission: Russia's space agency head

#BREAKING G7 warns in statement that war criminals in Ukraine 'will be held responsible'

#BREAKING JPMorgan Chase has received debt payment from Russia: source

#UPDATE 30,000 civilians have now fled the besieged port city of Mariupol, city officials said Wednesday

They added that they were seeking to clarify information on the victims in the Drama Theatre, where hundreds of civilians were reportedly sheltering

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