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Independent journalist seeking opportunities: News & commentary, TV & podcast production. Past: Writer/producer for #1 Fox News show; Sr Mg Ed for top website.

Mar 17, 2022, 12 tweets

Multiple datasets and scientific analyses show that masks are effectively useless vs. Covid. [Thread.]

“As you can see, except for a slight edge in October, masked districts fare 2-4x worse than un-masked districts.”…

“This pattern is remarkably similar to that visible in Emily Oster’s data from the 2020/21 school year... un-masked schools showed higher case rates early in the year, around October, but later in the year, case rates in masked schools vastly outstripped them."

Forced mask schools have consistently run parallel with mask optional schools or have even surpassed them in case rates, as @ianmSC shows in this chart compiled during the Omicron surge.

"Because the CDC assumes mask work (lol), they specifically instructed schools to treat possible transmission between two masked students differently, leading to contact tracers potentially mislabeling those who wore masks as 'primary' infections."


In a recent CDC study, the researchers used a *predictive model* to argue that case rates in mask mandate schools were lower than in partial mask schools when the *actual* case rates in partial mask schools were LOWER.👇

The U.K.'s Office for National Statistics corroborates scientific research that shows children who 'sometimes' wear masks have lower case rates than those who 'never' or 'always' wear them at work/school.🔻

Mask mandate states have zero case wave distinguishability from free states.

“Cloth masks do little to prevent the spread of COVID-19, or other airborne diseases, a new study finds. Researchers... found that 90 percent of particles could get through cloth masks, making them effectively useless during the pandemic.”…

“Tests characterizing breath particle concentration, breath volume, and ideal mask filtration efficiency were also performed"...

Here are the results. Pink and green are common masks worn by the general public.

Cloth vs. surgical vs. nothing. Essentially no difference.

Add to all of this that the highest mask compliance nations in the world (95%+ mask compliance) all see zero benefit from wearing them in reducing case rates: China, Hong Kong & South Korea.

Thus, at every level the mask mandate argument breaks down:

1. Laboratory examination of cloth & surgical masks
2. Examination of case rates in school/community settings
3. Interstate data b/w mask mandate and free states (U.S.)
4. Cross-national comparative data


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