Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Mar 18, 2022, 8 tweets

I count six rigs with the People’s Convoy currently heading westbound on Constitution Avenue, just north of and parallel to DC’s National Mall.

Two MPD vehicles shadow the group.

So I found the source of this livestream.

US Parks Police has a helicopter flying at a low altitude, circling above this small contingent of the #PeoplesConvoy driving around the National Mall.

Convoy took a quick pause at 14th and Constitution waiting for some of their crew to catch up. As I tweet this, they’re rolling again.

One participant me (off camera) that blockages have made it hard to stick together, and there’s no specific planned path.

Truckers pause, police intervene and tell them to get back into vehicles and keep driving as counter-protesters tells them to “fuck off, losers” at Constitution and Madison.

So one truck got left behind on Madison and Constitution following the earlier argument.

Because the driver got out of the vehicle, the Lieutenant on scene basically said they were treating it as a briefly “abandoned” vehicle, subjecting it to a full roadside inspection.

That truck was allowed to keep driving and is again looping, now flanked by an escort of two MPD vehicles with flashing lights.

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