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Mar 20, 2022, 35 tweets

🧵 Here you will find Maps 🗺️ to understand the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, I hope.

1. Languages spoken at Home

2. Ethnolinguistic Map

3. Map of Dialects

4. Percentage of People stating that Russian is their Mother Tongue (2001)

5. Support for Russian as an official state language

6. Proportion of users, who stated their mother tongue as Russian (blue) or as Ukrainian (red) in the social media network @vkontakte

7. Religious Divisions

8. Voting Map in 1994

Kuchma vs Kravchuk

9. 2004 Elections (First Round)

10. 2004 Elections (Second Round)

Yanukovych vs Yuschenko

11. 2004 Elections (Third Round)

12. 2006 Elections (Party of The Regions)

13. Parliamentary Elections of 2007

14. First round of Presidential elections of 2010


Blue/ Dark blue – Yanukovich

Red: Timoshenko

15. 2014 Elections - Turnout

34.76% refused to vote

16. Attitudes to United States Role in Crisis

17. Attitudes towards joining the EU

18. Summary So Far - A Divided Nation

Politically, Ethno-Linguistically,Socially

Conflict Becomes Inevitable

Ask Northern Ireland

19. Why the Division?

Eastern and Southern Ukraine (Light Green in Map) were former constituent parts of Russia that were added to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic by Soviet Communist Party leaders when Ukraine and Russia were two parts of the same country.

20. Crimea - 2 Referendums - Disputed

1994 Crimean referendum…

2014 Crimean status referendum…

21. Russian Point of View

22. A summary of the issues:

1. Crimea's referendum to leave Ukraine: how did we get here?…

2. Crimea referendum: early results indicate 'landslide' for secession – as it happened…

23. Since the disputed Crimean referendum, the Maidan Uprising in 2013 & the 2014 elections, US, CIA, UK and NATO decided to support Ukraine with military training & weapons, as discussed in another thread:

About 7 Tweets discussing mainly US training

24. Since 2014, The US has provided Ukraine with 1.6 billion $ worth of military aid. More will come.

See 12 Tweets here:

25. In Ukraine, the US Trains an Army in the West to Fight in the East (October 2017)

"For more than two years, some 300 American soldiers have been quietly helping train an enormous partner military in western Ukraine"…

26. The proof is in the pudding is in the eating

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced today that the NSDC suspended all activities of 11 pro-Russian political parties while martial law is in place.…


27. Mariupol?

Mariupol remains a Russian-speaking city

1% report regularly speaking Ukrainian at home

Lately, Western Media have reported on the plight of refugees from Mariupol being "forcibly sent to Russia"…

28. Don't be surprised to see evidence of Mariupol Residents blaming the Ukrainian Government & in particular the Azov Battalion for their plight

Videos (of course from pro-Russian Accounts ;)

29. Compilation Thread of Interviews with Transcripts

Again a pro-Russian source so...who knows?

30. These reactions would be consistent with the views of Mariupol residents stated previously

Primary blame attribution for the Donbas war by people in Mariupol (percentages)…

Most blamed the Post-Maiden Ukrainian Government & the USA, not the Russians

31. Conclusions?

I leave that to your judgement based on the maps, statistics and data presented.

32. Funniest Reaction so far from @daniel_corcos

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