Chris Turnbull Profile picture
Journalist @ Enemy In A State. "Gutter Journo" who, unfortunately, has to report from the gutter, as that's where 99.9% of politicians dwell

Mar 23, 2022, 7 tweets

Israel, BA2, Covid: ICU admissions now starting to tick up after months of steady decline since the brutal Omicron wave which had the highest ever deaths, admissions and ICU admissions of ANY WAVE EVER.

Hospital admissions also starting to uptick again after months of decline:

Cases also upticking in line with the rise in hospitalisations: though very low levels of cases so the rise is in ICU and admissions is somewhat unexpected at this point.

Test positivity is hovering around 14% currently—which implies that they are missing A LOT of cases though..

BA2 is growing to dominance in Isreal as their outbreak starts to tick up again:

Interesting to note that only last week Israel reported a new variant: a recombination of BA1 and BA2 which they claimed had been brought back by somebody travelling from abroad:

The Omicron wave in Israel was absolutely brutal—a reminder again of the record high deaths, cases, admissions:

Quite surprising to see the rise in admissions and ICU at this point—given the apparently 'only just up-ticking now' cases.

Have they got much more severe variant? definitely one to watch/

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