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Mar 23, 2022, 5 tweets

For some time we’ve wondered what was depicted in the top quatrefoil of the west window at St Mary’s, Llanfair Kilgeddin. It wasn’t until we erected a scaffold to mend some storm damage that we saw this medieval, apparitional, fractured face of Christ looking out at us.


When most people think of this Monmouthshire church, they think of the Arts & Crafts sgraffito murals, in which scenes from the hymn of creation flow over the walls.


So thorough were the two 19th-century restorations, first by John Dando Sedding and then by Heywood Sumner, that it’s hard to find traces of the medieval church.


Some early fabric survives in its chancel roof and some window tracery, the font may be from an early church or maybe, like the 15th-century chancel screen, it came from elsewhere. There’s a jolly jumble of medieval stained glass – tucked into the north chancel window.


I assume it was Sedding who set this face high up in the west window overlooking the congregation during his work in the 1870s.
In the 1890s Heywood Sumner created a colossal Christ in Majesty in sgraffito and mosaic over the chancel arch – facing congregants from the front.


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