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Mar 23, 2022, 6 tweets

Heavy rain is hampering the recovery of a China Eastern jet that nosedived into a mountain with 132 passengers onboard.

Crash investigators are yet to locate the black boxes

#BREAKING Black box of crashed China Eastern jet located: aviation official

#UPDATE A black box has been recovered from the crashed Chinese passenger jet carrying 132 people, an aviation official said Wednesday

How do airplane's black boxes work?
Videographic explains how flight recorders are fitted on aeroplanes and how their data can be used in the event of an incident or accident

#UPDATE A black box from the crashed China Eastern airliner was recovered on Wednesday as investigators try to piece together what made a jet carrying 132 passengers nosedive into a mountainside in southern China

#UPDATE A black box from the crashed #ChinaEastern airliner was recovered on Wednesday as investigators tried to determine what made the jet carrying 132 passengers nosedive into a mountainside in southern China

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